Can I Go to the Beach with a Walker?

Rollator Walk on the Beach

What do YOU see in the image? If you have mobility issues and haven’t been to the beach in years, then you see a challenge. You feel you don’t have the freedom to walk on the beach. Volaris all-terrain rollator owners see it differently. They see a gorgeous beach they’d love to – and can – visit and walk themselves. Rollator Volaris wheeled walkers, with their trademark flexible frames, soft rubber tires and larger wheels tires (like on our Patrol All-Terrain Model) would make walking along sandy beaches a breeze. So enjoy more of what you love and the freedom to do it!

With warm summer weather suddenly upon us, hitting the beach to cool off and enjoy a sunny day by the water is tempting for everyone who lives near water. High temperatures seem to beckon us to the sandy beauty that the beach offers! However, if you or your beach-going partner use a walker, it can often feel like a hinderance when it comes to travelling on soft, sandy ground. Sand feels great between your toes, but can be difficult to walk on if you already struggle with getting around unsupported. Never mind trying to use a walker on the beach!

Luckily, there is a solution! A rollator walker that is designed for rough and hard to travel terrain can be just the ticket to fully enjoying your summer. Volaris all terrain rollators are designed with special features that will help make moving across a beach much easier than a regular rollator does.

Regular Walkers aren’t made for the beach

Unfortunately, when walkers were originally being designed, they were done so with the idea of walking on hard, everyday terrain, not so much surfaces like sand or rocks. This resulted in a general inability to use a walker on the beach. As soon as your 4 walker legs hit the sand and you put weight on the handles, you will sink in and be faced with a more difficult situation than if you had no walker at all.

Even rollator walkers, with wheels that make travelling rough terrain easier, aren’t likely to travel on sand very well. Small, narrow wheels aren’t meant to roll across sand or rocky ground. If you’ve been using a regular rollator or a 4-legged walker you may never have even tried to take it to the beach, and for good reason!

Top features on an all-terrain walker

While most rollator walker models typically come with similar features like a built-in seat and easy to use handle brakes, there are some extra features offered on all-terrain models that will greatly increase your ability to head to the beach and put your toes in the sand this summer.

Suspension frame – the flexframe of an all-terrain rollator walker plays a large role in how easily it will move across rough terrain. This unique frame allows the rollator to roll across uneven ground while still keeping all 4 wheels on the ground, offering you a steadier support as you navigate bumpy ground.

Larger wheels – The same way that a pulley with large wheels is easier to use, a rollator walker with large wheels is also easier to push across sand and rocky or pebbly ground.

Soft rubber tires – Tires that can absorb vibrations from the ground underneath them will offer a much smoother and steady walking experience. Rough terrain can be hard on your back and shoulders as you hold onto the handle bars, however soft tires can reduce this stress on your body.

Spending time outdoors is great for your health

Regardless of what kind of activities you’re taking part in, getting outside for some fresh air is great for both mental and physical health! And since June has been dubbed Great Outdoors Month, now is the perfect time to head out. Whether you prefer to enjoy your time on a nice bench watching the birds or a great sunset or like to get a bit more active and go for a walk or enjoy some beach time, you are sure to benefit in many ways.

Maintain your freedom with all terrain rollators

Using a walker should never mean having to compromise your freedom to live your life the way you want to. Rollator walkers come in many different models and styles, all of which can help you maintain independence and mobility, stay connected with friends and family, and keep you living a fulfilling and happy life. Enjoy the breeze coming off the water and the feeling of sand in your toes with the help of an all-terrain rollator walker this summer.

Why You Need a Rollator Walker with Suspension

Cobblestone Road All Terrain Walker

Using a rollator walker might seem like a hinderance to many when they first start using it, but the opposite is actually true. Once a user gets the hang of moving around with their rollator walker, they will no doubt find that their freedom and mobility will increase in turn helping them to maintain their independence and a higher quality of life. Regular physical activity is the best way for adults to maintain a healthy lifestyle and spend time in the great outdoors.

What do you see in the image? If you have mobility challenges, you likely don’t see a beautiful European cobblestone walkway lined with outdoor dining. You see a place you think you’d not be able to visit as your walker or rollator just wouldn’t cut it. Rollator walkers by Volaris with flexible frames, soft rubber tires and larger wheels tires (like on our Patrol All-Terrain Model) would make walking along such cobblestone paths easy. Make your vacation dreams a reality!

Man rollator features to consider

Choosing a rollator walker can be a confusing process. There are many different designs and features available on the market, and deciding which ones are actually needed can feel overwhelming. However, when it comes down to it, it all comes down to how the rollator is most likely to be used.

Someone that is only looking for support to move around their home and other indoor spaces will do well with a simple rollator walker with the basic included features. However, someone that would like to maintain a more active lifestyle will likely be looking for a rollator walker that can easily go on adventures with them, while still providing the support that they’ve come to expect from a mobility aid.

It’s all in the frame

When it comes to choosing a rollator that will work smoothly on a variety of rougher terrain, the frame is what will make the difference. A specialized rollator walker frame that can absorb vibrations from the ground it’s travelling will help create a smoother ride for the user.

The newly designed Flexframe that is found on some newer rollator walkers uses suspension to help ease the stress and pressure that one might feel in their arms and shoulders when using a standard rollator walker on rough terrain.

Patrol Rollator has it all

The Patrol all terrain rollator walker has many features that make it the perfect option for anyone looking to get outdoors more and experience some rougher terrain than a regular rollator is designed to handle.

Along with the standard features like a built-in seat and easy to squeeze handle breaks, the features that make the Patrol rollator walker the best all terrain walker available include:

A Flexframe – This frame absorbs shocks and bumps from uneven ground much better than a standard rollator walker. It also ensures that all four wheels stay on the ground even when it is uneven, offering more stability to the user. The Flexframe helps the rollator to traverse uneven walkways, stony forest paths, fields with tall grass, cobblestones and many other rough surfaces with ease.

Oversized cushioned tires – The 10” wheels on the Patrol walker traverse rough terrain with ease providing significant shock absorption for the user.

Lubricated wheels – The wheels on the Patrol model are self lubricating allowing for less maintenance and upkeep.

X Frame construction – The Patrol walker folds in the center which allows it to stand on its own even when folded up. This makes transporting and moving it much easier than models that can’t stand on their own.

Compact body – The small frame allows the rollator to be tucked into a backseat or trunk without taking up a lot of space. It will also allow the user to bring the rollator indoors when needed, without feeling like their all-terrain rollator is getting in the way.

Lightweight construction – The more lightweight construction of the Patrol rollator walker means that it can easily be folded up and placed in a vehicle without straining the user.

Mobility is easier with the right rollator walker

With so many models of rollator walkers available there are many ways for anyone who struggles with mobility to comfortably get around. And now with all terrain walkers like the Patrol model, there is no reason that an outdoor enthusiast should feel held back from the outdoors. No one will have to compromise their interests will the mobility aids on the market today. From canes to rollator walkers with many features, the support they provide is the key to getting outside and continuing to live a full life.

June is Great Outdoors Month and Seniors Month (so get outdoors!)

Great Outdoors Month June Seniors Mobility

In addition to being national seniors’ month, June is also known as the Great Outdoors Month! This means June is an excellent time to get outside and explore! A national holiday isn’t the only reason to choose June as the perfect time to spend more time outside, though. There are many reasons why going outside for some exercise and fresh air is a great choice for anyone- even those with mobility issues!

With the wet weather that comes with winter and spring well behind us, June is more likely to bring with it clear walkways and healthy fields, making walking outdoors much easier for anyone to enjoy.   

Many health benefits to getting outdoors

Did you know? Rollator walkers by Volaris are not just for those that need help walking. They’re loved by those who are active yet have mobility issues to help them go everywhere they have always enjoyed!

Your sleep will improve

Getting fresh air and exposing yourself to natural light daily, especially in the mornings, can help your body’s natural sleep cycle to regulate, allowing you to sleep better at night. Regular exercise can also help your body to expend energy and be more ready to rest and relax each night.

It can help support your mental health

Getting outside for a walk or to enjoy the fresh air on a regular basis can help increase the release of endorphins like serotonin which can help reduce feelings of anxiety, stress and depression which can in turn improve your overall mood. Regular exercise can also help improve your brain function leading to better memory retention, attention span and possibly even reducing the onset of dementia and other brain diseases. 

Vitamin D has many health benefits

Vitamin D is something that most people are low in, so getting outdoors this June will no doubt help to increase your supply. This vitamin is essential in helping your body to maintain a healthy immune system leading to a better defense against things like cancer, osteoporosis and even Alzheimer’s disease.

How to enjoy the outdoors

Hit the trails

With hundreds of trails in the Toronto area including sections of the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail and the Great Trail that stretches across Canada, there is no shortage of great, easy to walk pathways to get to know. Many of these trails are paved and very easy to walk so they’ll be a great way to enjoy the outdoors.

Take up a hobby

Hobbies like photography and bird watching are a great way to spend more time outdoors. Whether you go for a walk to find the perfect view or just head to your favourite park bench and enjoy the nature close to home, the time you spend outdoors taking photos or looking for new birds to identify will have many positive effects.

Walk a dog

Taking a dog for a walk is the perfect excuse to get outdoors this June. Dogs need to spend time outside to get their exercise and fresh air, so if you or a friend has a dog you can use this furry friend as an excuse to get some movement in your day. Visit with family and friends Getting together with family or friends to go for a walk and have a visit is the perfect motivator to get outside, especially during 2021 when getting together has been difficult.

Use a mobility aid to help support movement

Even if you struggle to stay on your feet or walk for longer periods there are tools that you can use to help you get around. Spending time moving around outside has many health benefits so it is worthwhile to use tools like a rollator walker or a cane to help support you.

Rollator walkers have built in features like a seat, handbrakes, adjustable height and large wheels designed to move easily over a wide variety of terrain. These features can make maintaining freedom and independence much easier than if you try to push through without taking advantage of the support they offer.

The Great Outdoors Month is the perfect reason to get outside

Spending time outdoors has many benefits for everyone. If you need a push to spend more time outside and take in all the positive effects that fresh air and regular movement can bring, this national month-long holiday might be just the ticket!

Why Spring is the Best Time to Take Up Walking Outdoors

With temperatures warming up and snow finally gone for another year it’s high time to get outside for some fresh air and exercise. Walking is the perfect low impact exercise for anyone that’s been looking for a way to keep moving. 

As you’ll see, challenges with mobility CAN be overcome with the help of quality walking aids

Chief among the many reasons to take your regular walk outdoors now that weather allows for it include:

1. See the sights and sounds of spring
As the weather warms up you’ll get to enjoy more and more of what spring has to offer on your regular walks. Getting outside to experience the birds singing, flowers blooming and grass turning green will help motivate you to start or continue an outdoor walking routine.
2. Breath in the fresh air
The fresh air you’ll get from walking outside will leave you feeling refreshed and full of energy. Fresh air has significant benefits on a person’s mental health, especially after all the time they’ve likely spent indoors through the winter.
3. Enjoy in comfortable temperatures
It’s no surprise that it’s much easier to get outside for a walk when the temperatures are warmer. With no need to struggle with a coat or to search for a hat and mittens before going outside for a walk in the cold, you won’t have anything holding you back from going for a walk.
4. Get some sun
Vitamin D is a necessary piece of a healthy lifestyle and the sun is a significant natural source of it. Vitamin D can help boost your immune system, reduce depression and improve weight loss so after a winter of being indoors, spring is the perfect time to increase your exposure to this important vitamin.
5. The outdoors is great for your health
Spending time outside can help relive stress, relax tense muscles, lower blood pressure and help improve your immune system. Going for a walk outside can also help increase endorphins and the release of serotonin resulting in a better mood overall.
6. It’s easier to keep going
When people spend time exercising outside they are often more likely to spend more time doing it. When you exercise at home it is easy to stop as soon as you get tired or bored. But once you’ve set out for a walk you have no choice but to keep going until you get back home. If you are just starting a walking routine, it might be best to start out small so you don’t end up pushing yourself too far, too soon.
7. Nature is a free, stimulating setting
When looking for an easy way to incorporate physical exercise into one’s daily routine, there’s no easier and cheaper way than to head outdoors and go for a walk. Your community’s sidewalks and pathways are a great way to embrace the outdoors and take in all the many benefits it can provide. Also, every walk will be different – seeing different people and places will stimulate your senses and add variety to life!

Mobility aids can provide comfort

If you or your loved one is facing some struggles when it comes to getting mobile outdoors there are a few different mobility aids that can help them feel more comfortable and independent.

A cane – when they need just a bit of help with balance a cane can be just the trick. A cane will offer a third ‘leg’ to lean on, helping with balance and light movement.

A walker – for small movements a 4-legged walker can help offer balance and support when a user doesn’t need wheels to assist their mobility.  

A rollator walker – rollator walkers provide the most benefits for anyone struggling with getting around. The built-in seat, adjustable height, easy to use hand brakes and all terrain wheels make using a walker easy. 

Getting outdoors is great for your health

Whether you need some support or are able to move around without any, the outdoors is a great place to continue your regular walking routine. The numerous benefits will have you feeling great and appreciating the season for all it has to offer. If support is needed, a rollator walker is the perfect tool to help you maintain your independence and keep up with a good quality of life.

What is an All-Terrain Rollator Walker?

When you first make the transition to using a rollator walker it can seem like a simple switch. You just buy a new walker and off you go! But if you are an active person and find yourself still struggling to do some of the things you used to enjoy, you might need to take some time to consider whether you actually have the right rollator walker for your lifestyle. After all: not all rollator walkers are created equal! 

What is an all-terrain rollator?

An all-terrain rollator walker is much like an all-terrain vehicle. It has specific features that will allow you to travel on different kinds of ground.

A “regular” rollator has basic size and strength meant largely for indoor, smooth surfaces only. The wheels on standard rollators may struggle to go through dirt, grass, sand or hilly areas. An all-terrain rollator can help you navigate these terrains with ease.

Do you actually need an all-terrain rollator walker?

If you are only planning to use your walker to get around your home, visit the store or walk on a sidewalk you may not need an all-terrain rollator. However, if you’d like to take your grandkids to the park, walk across a grassy field or go on walks that may not have a flat sidewalk, an all-terrain rollator might be just the ticket. Maintaining your mobility is important for your health as a senior and having the right rollator can help make sure that happens. 

Top features of an all-terrain rollator walker

Since all terrain rollators are designed to travel over rough and uneven surfaces there are a few key features that set them apart from normal, daily use rollator walkers.1. Larger wheels

The smaller 5”-7” wheels that are on regular rollators just won’t do on more uneven surfaces. All terrain rollator walkers typically have wheels that are 8”-12” in diameter which can help make pushing it over rough ground much easier. These larger wheels will roll much smoother and easier on rough ground, helping your hands and back feel more at ease as well.

2. Adjustable height 

The ability to adjust the height of your all-terrain rollator walker will help ensure you put the least amount of stress on your back and shoulders. Since you’ll be navigating terrain that is uneven, you want to be sure that your body has the best support possible.

3. Flexible shock-absorbing frame

Look for a frame that has “give” or “flex”. Only premium rollator walkers will offer this advanced mechanism. It not only enhances the ease with which users, particularly seniors, can move across rugged terrain, but it provides energy absorption which reduces shock/vibration in the hands.

4. Ability to fold up

Since your all-terrain rollator may be bulkier than a regular rollator you’ll appreciate its ability to fold up into a manageable package to fit into your car’s backseat or trunk. This portability will allow you to bring your all-terrain walker anywhere you want to go. Make sure you can fold up your rollator on your own or with the support of someone who will be with you so that you can maintain maximum mobility as you age.

5. Great hand brakes

Because you’ll be using your all-terrain rollator on uneven, rough or hilly terrain effective handbrakes are a must. Ensure that you can easily squeeze and engage the handbrakes on your walker before you take it to use on rougher terrain. This feature will help ensure that you are fully able to control your rollator walker and your speed when going down hills or stopping for a break.

6. A built-in seat

When travelling over rough terrain it can be common for your body to require a rest sooner than if you were on flat ground. The built-in seat on a rollator walker will help you take a break any time you decide you need one, without needing to search around for a suitable place to stop. 

Pictured above is the Volaris Patrol All-Terrain Rollator. It features best-in-class features to allow freedom of movement outside over varied, rough terrain. It is impeccably designed strong and light – with all of the above attributes.

An all-terrain rollator helps users to go further and live healthier

Whether you want to maintain an active lifestyle or just want to ensure you keep moving as much as you can, an all-terrain rollator walker is the perfect tool to help you do that. With several features designed to make mobility comfortable and easy, a rollator walker is the best way to keep your health and mobility on track as you age.