Superior Rollator Walkers Must Be Strong, Lightweight and Incorporate a Seat

When it comes time to choose a walker it can be overwhelming to sort through all the options available to you. Once you have determined what your needs actually are and whether you’re looking for a standard walker or a rollator walker, you can start looking at what features are going to be at the top of your list.

Though walkers can come with a number of different features, a few of the most common and most important ones are the ability to fold up, the presence of a seat and a lightweight frame. These features can seem fairly insignificant but they are actually things that you will be thankful you included in your search.

What is a Rollator Walker?

A rollator walker is one that has wheels on each leg rather than just the simple leg. These walkers can offer a greater ease of mobility than standard walkers thanks to both the wheels and their other many features. Especially if a user is prone to movement on uneven ground, a rollator walker can be much more suited to those with an active lifestyle.

Why do I need a Rollator Walker?

Though the decision to use a walker is one you want to discuss with your doctor, there are a few signs you might be ready to have that talk.

  • Feeling dizzy or off balance when you walk
  • Needing to sit often when walking
  • Feeling like a cane doesn’t give enough support
  • Having difficulty lifting a cane or standard walker

Benefits of a Lightweight Rollator Walker with a Seat

When you reach the point of needing a walker, whether to recover from surgery or to adapt to new lifestyle restrictions, it can be intimidating to include this in your everyday life. While you might feel like you are losing some of your independence and freedom, a rollator walker with the right features can actually help you maintain these.

Choosing a rollator walker instead of a standard walker comes with quite a few benefits already, but there are a few reasons why these features will make such a difference in your life.

Easy to move around with them Lightweight walkers are easier to maneuver through doorways, down stairs and along unstable ground thanks to their reduced weight. The wheels on a rollator walker allow for ease of movement both indoors and outdoors. When navigating over rough terrain the wheels of a rollator walker make it much easier to get around on your own.
Seats provide essential resting capability An individual using a rollator walker might have need for the ability to take a rest as they move around each day. The built-in seat on a rollator walker makes this easy to do. Anytime a break from walking is needed, it’s easy to just stop and have a seat rather than having to look for somewhere to sit.
Folding ability makes for easy transportation A rollator walker that can fold up is much easier to transport as needed. When you can easily fold up the walker and fit it in your trunk or backseat, you are more likely to maintain your independence and mobility.
A lightweight frame offers more portability If the frame is heavy it is much harder to place in your trunk or lift up stairs. A lightweight frame is much easier to lift off the ground to move around without assistance.
Foldable walkers are easy to store A foldable walker is much easier to store, especially if your space is limited. Whether you need to fold it up after returning home or like to get it out of the way when dining out, a foldable rollator is much easier to find room for.

A Walker with a Seat Increases Independence

Though it may feel like accepting the support of a rollator walker is taking away from your independence and ability to move around freely, they can actually have the opposite effect. If you are having difficulty getting around on your own and feeling like you might need to take a step back from your busy lifestyle, a rollator walker might be just what you need.

A lightweight rollator walker that can fold easily and has an attached seat can actually increase your mobility. When you have the support that you need as you navigate all kinds of terrain and situations, you’ll no doubt feel more comfortable in your day-to-day life.

Must-Have Features of a Rollator Walker

Rollator walkers have many features that make them a great choice for a wide variety of needs. Whether you have a temporary injury and need some support as you heal or are needing the added support to maintain your independence as you age, a rollator walker can be just the answer for you.

Once you’ve decided that a rollator walker is a good addition to your life, the next step is making sure that the one you choose fits you properly so that it can offer maximum benefit. There are several features of a rollator walker, and many parts are adjustable so ensuring that each is adjusted properly is key.


Did you know?  Volaris walkers are premium rollators that have all the features built into a smooth-riding, adjustable frame that let’s users go further – in comfort!

Accessories Available

Rain or shine, on the go or using an oxygen tank – your rollator walker should not hold you back. The limits of your mobility will ultimately limit how far you go – and your freedom. Accessories that improve utility

Seat features


Not all seats are created equal so looking at the quality and height of the seat padding is a good move before purchasing. If you will be using the seat often, you’ll want one that is made with good padding or that has a seat molded for comfort.  

Seat Height

When shopping for a rollator walker the height of the seat needs to be a consideration. Higher seats are often easier to get out of, so if this is needed you should pay special attention to the specifications of each walker. On the flip side, a lower seat can help provide more balance and stability to the user when they are seated. A seat height of 20” is most common and usually works for most users. If your needs might change over time, look for a rollator with an adjustable seat height.

Seat Size

Seat widths do vary so measuring before purchasing is a good idea. Seats on a standard adult rollator typically range from 13” to 18” and can increase when looking at heavy duty and bariatric models.

Walker Size

The height of the walker is something that can usually be adjusted but you still need to consider the base height before you buy. If you are very tall or short you might need to choose a frame that fits your height. A rollator walker should help you to stand as tall as possible without straining your hands, wrists, shoulders or neck.

The width of your walker is also something to consider. While most rollator walkers won’t have an issue getting through doorways and down hallways, you do have to ensure that the frame is wide enough for your step. You should be able to stand between the handles and comfortably take steps forward without hitting the wheels or legs.

Measuring Handle Height

How to measure the handle height of your rollator walker:

  1. Stand straight with shoes on. Wear shoes similar to what you’ll most commonly wear when using your walker.
  2. Relax your arms and let them hang at your sides
  3. Have a friend or family member measure from the bend of your wrist to the floor. This measurement is your handle height

When choosing a rollator walker based on height choose one that adjusts at least one inch in either direction from your measurement so that you can adjust it as needed when you use it.

Wheel Size

When buying your rollator walker you should consider the main function of it. Will it primarily help you get around your home and other indoor situations? Or will you be using it to help you get around outside and on rougher terrain than indoors? The answer to this will help you decide between 6” wheels or 8” wheels. The larger wheels are going to be much better suited for a user that will be using their walker outside of their home.

Good Handles

Since you will be holding the handles quite a bit it is important that they be both comfortable and easy to function. A rollator walkers’ brakes are hand operated, so you have to be sure that you can easily squeeze them as needed.

There’s Many Rollator Features to Consider

When shopping for a rollator walker there are many features to consider. Once you have chosen which one has the right features for your needs you will be thankful you made the purchase! The ability to move around at will, without having to worry about your balance or losing your breath, will help you maintain independence and stay active for longer than if you avoid it.

Must Have Features of a Rollator Walker

active seniors using rollator walkers

Rollator walkers have many features that make them a great choice for a wide variety of needs. Whether you have a temporary injury and need some support as you heal or are needing the added support to maintain your independence as you age, a rollator walker can be just the answer for you.

Once you’ve decided that a rollator walker is a good addition to your life, the next step is making sure that the one you choose fits you properly so that it can offer maximum benefit. There are several features of a rollator walker, and many parts are adjustable so ensuring that each is adjusted properly is key.

Common features of a rollator walker

Did you know? Volaris walkers are premium rollators that have all the features built into a smooth-riding, adjustable frame that let’s users go further – in comfort!

Seat features


Not all seats are created equal so looking at the quality and height of the seat padding is a good move before purchasing. If you will be using the seat often, you’ll want one that is made with good padding or that has a seat molded for comfort.  

Seat Height

When shopping for a rollator walker the height of the seat needs to be a consideration. Higher seats are often easier to get out of, so if this is needed you should pay special attention to the specifications of each walker. On the flip side, a lower seat can help provide more balance and stability to the user when they are seated. A seat height of 20” is most common and usually works for most users. If your needs might change over time, look for a rollator with an adjustable seat height.

Seat Size

Seat widths do vary so measuring before purchasing is a good idea. Seats on a standard adult rollator typically range from 13” to 18” and can increase when looking at heavy duty and bariatric models. 

Walker Size

The height of the walker is something that can usually be adjusted but you still need to consider the base height before you buy. If you are very tall or short you might need to choose a frame that fits your height. A rollator walker should help you to stand as tall as possible without straining your hands, wrists, shoulders or neck.

The width of your walker is also something to consider. While most rollator walkers won’t have an issue getting through doorways and down hallways, you do have to ensure that the frame is wide enough for your step. You should be able to stand between the handles and comfortably take steps forward without hitting the wheels or legs.

Measuring Handle Height

How to measure the handle height of your rollator walker:

  1. Stand straight with shoes on. Wear shoes similar to what you’ll most commonly wear when using your walker.
  2. Relax your arms and let them hang at your sides
  3. Have a friend or family member measure from the bend of your wrist to the floor. This measurement is your handle height

When choosing a rollator walker based on height choose one that adjusts at least one inch in either direction from your measurement so that you can adjust it as needed when you use it.

Wheel Size

When buying your rollator walker you should consider the main function of it. Will it primarily help you get around your home and other indoor situations? Or will you be using it to help you get around outside and on rougher terrain than indoors? The answer to this will help you decide between 6” wheels or 8” wheels. The larger wheels are going to be much better suited for a user that will be using their walker outside of their home.

Good Handles

Since you will be holding the handles quite a bit it is important that they be both comfortable and easy to function. A rollator walkers’ brakes are hand operated, so you have to be sure that you can easily squeeze them as needed.

There’s Many Rollator Features to Consider

When shopping for a rollator walker there are many features to consider. Once you have chosen which one has the right features for your needs you will be thankful you made the purchase! The ability to move around at will, without having to worry about your balance or losing your breath, will help you maintain independence and stay active for longer than if you avoid it.

Here’s Why Rollator Walkers Need Built in Seats

When looking to purchase a walker or rollator, it can seem overwhelming to consider all of the options available to you. With the option to choose a standard 4-legged walker or a 3 or 4 wheeled rollator walker, it can feel tempting to just go with the cheaper, more familiar option. But there are some great reasons that a rollator walker – with a seat – will likely meet your needs much better.

One of the most prominent features that differentiates a rollator walker from a standard walker is the presence of a seat. While this might not seem like a significant feature to consider, it is actually a very beneficial thing for many users.

A built-in seat is an important feature

Did you know? All Volaris rollators feature a built-in seat! A seat is essential for resting during longer walks (and you’ll want to!). If you’re unwell or short of breath, a sturdy seat can prevent falls. Increased mobility, freedom and comfort without sacrificing safety is the Volaris difference!

A rollator walker that has a seat is a great choice for many potential walker users. Since most rollator users need to use a walker to help them balance and move around independently, the presence of a seat can help them better maintain their mobility.

The biggest reason a user will benefit from having a seat on their rollator walker is because they will be able to pause and rest as they need to. When moving around day to day, even with the help of a walker, many users will still hit a point where they need to take a break and either catch their breath or let their legs have a break.

Having quick access to a place to sit with the seat on their rollator means that they won’t have to search around for a good place to stop for a few minutes. This will allow users to hold onto more independence and mobility since they won’t feel like they are always on the lookout for somewhere to sit, should the need arise quickly.

The ability to sit as soon as they need to will also help prevent heart strain, since the user won’t be pushing themselves beyond their limit. On the flip side of that, having immediate access to a seat means that the user won’t be as shy to get up and move around to help improve their heart health, since they know they aren’t confined by only going places that will have seating available.

Volaris Rollators with seats fold neatly for easy transport.

Top features to look for in a rollator with a seat

Adjustable height

On a rollator walker a seat that can adjust to the height of the user is essential. Since people typically vary in height quite a bit, the ability to customize the walker to the user is a great feature.

As people age and their ability to stand and walk upright can change the seat height that fits them best can change too. With adjustable height on the seat, this walker will be able to adjust to the user as their needs change over time.

Ability to fold up

With a seat that can fold up, the rollator walker can easily be moved into a car, up stairs or moved out of the way when at home. Having a rollator that can fold up for storage or easy transportation means the user will be more likely to maintain their ability to move around.

It’s comfortable

Since a rollator walkers’ seat is meant to be used for sitting and resting, the overall comfort of the seat is an important factor to consider when choosing the right walker. If the seat is uncomfortable the likelihood of it being used effectively is much lower. In fact, a soft seat cushion that is tailored for the rollator is a great idea.

Volaris Walker pictured with soft seat pad accessory for maximum comfort.

Premium Rollators have many features

While the presence of a seat is an important feature in a rollator walker, there are more features that are worth looking at when decided whether this walker is the right one for your situation. A few of these features include:

Larger rotating wheels – the rotating wheels on a rollator walker mean that the user can move around much easier than if they were using a traditional walker. A larger wheel size helps tackle rougher terrain, too.

Hand brakes – With 4 wheels that rotate, having hand brakes is an important feature, both for safety and for convenience. Slow down brakes are an added breaking feature to help maintain rollator control.

Basket – Since a user’s hands will be preoccupied with holding the handles and operating the brakes, having a basket to carry a purse or anything else needed is a feature that comes in handy for most users.

A Rollator with a Seat (that folds) is THE Best Choice for Seniors!

A rollator walker is a great choice Thanks to the easy access to a good seat and the numerous other features of the rollator walker, this walking aid is often the best choice for those needing a bit of support in their day to day activity – with flexibility to go anywhere!

The Benefits of Upright Rollators

The time may come when you or a loved one may need a mobility aid to support your walking. It may actually have little to do with being “old”, but rather simply to improve stability for safety. From typical 4-legged walkers to rollators with either 2 wheels or 4, there are quite a few choices involved with this lifestyle change.

Being given or choosing a walker that leaves the user hunched over or uncomfortable is often what gives the appearance of being old! That’s a mistake made when choosing your walker. In fact, buying the right rollator might give you independence not previously experienced for years!

Did you know? Volaris Rollators are premium, all-terrain walkers that support the user in an upright position. That means you walk upright as you should and go farther young you should and go farther. Greater range and position means an increased physical activity for greater health!

Benefits of upright rollator walkers

Though it can be difficult to decide whether the ability to adjust the height of a rollator walker to create a more upright walker is something you want to prioritize, there are many reasons why this feature is an important one for all walker users.

Adjusts to many heights

Many upright rollator walkers come complete with the ability to adjust the walker height to specifically fit the individual. Since many walkers are only adjustable to a certain extent it can be hard for tall users to find a walker that helps them to stay comfortable in their mobility.

Better for back health

When an individual has to bend over, even just slightly, in order to hold onto and push their walker as they move around all day, it can wreak havoc on the spine. Forcing the back to perpetually bend forward can cause long term damage and discomfort. With someone who is already feeling restriction in their mobility, this added stress on their back can restrict them even further.

With an adjustable height rollator, a user can choose a height that keeps their form as upright as possible so that they can experience less day to day discomfort.

Maintain mobility

Increased comfort when using a rollator walker typically leads to a greater ability to maintain mobility, even as their body might not be completely on board with the idea. The ability to adjust the height of the rollator walker means that the unit can change along with the user. If they start needing the ability to bend over more or stand more upright, the rollator can be adjusted to accommodate this to ensure they maintain their independence and mobility for as long as possible.

Walk in the walker, not behind it

Rollator walkers are designed for the users to be able to stand inside of the frame, hold it at a comfortable height and walk with it. This is in contrast to the older models that require individuals to stand behind the unit and push it forward as they go.

Indoor and outdoor use

Rollator walkers are designed to be able to be easily used on a variety of terrain. Whether you just need something to move around inside your home or are looking for something that can be used to go for walks outside, a rollator walker is often a more suitable option than a regular one.

Not built just for walking

Thanks to the built-in seat, a rollator walker is meant to be used as more than just a simple walker. Often a walker user will need the opportunity to sit down to take a break periodically and the seat in a rollator means that they no longer have to search for a place to do that. 

More customizable

Most walkers aren’t all that customizable so as a users’ needs change, the walker tends to be less helpful for them. An upright rollator is more customizable to the individual so that as they age or their injury or illness changes or progresses the walker can be adjusted to provide the most comfortable solution for them. 

The customizability of the adjustable walker also means that you are more likely to be able to find something that suits your exact needs.

Upright walkers are the best choice

As life changes require the consideration of incorporating a walker of some sort, there are many factors to consider when choosing the right one. An adjustable rollator is great option for a wide variety of needs, so it is a walker that deserves some serious consideration.

The adjustability of the rollator means that it can meet most requirements in enabling its’ user to move around independently. Standing upright while using a mobility aid will have significant benefits for the user, including the ability to stay active.

Making the choice to incorporate a rollator walker into day to day life can have a great impact on a user’s health. Having the support they need to move around each day can help a user to exercise which can improve circulation as well as their general health.

Though the decision to use a rollator or walker can be an intimidating one, it can mean so many positive things for the user that they’ll be wondering why they didn’t make the change sooner!