Top Features of a Rollator, According to Seniors                 

Top Features of a Rollator For Seniors

The transition into using a rollator walker can be a difficult process for many seniors. Incorporating an unusual tool into their day to day lives can be an uncomfortable transition. However, when they do start using one, they will likely notice a number of benefits to their physical and mental health. A rollator walker that includes a variety of different features and accessories can feel more appealing to a senior who is considering whether to start using one.

Volaris All-Terrain Rollator walkers were named “best” by Walker for Seniors. Tech-enhanced Life says “The Volaris S7 SMART  rollator is a classy-looking, top-quality rollator (or walker)….suitable for ‘all terrain’.”

Benefits of using a rollator walker

There are many reasons why a senior will benefit from using a rollator walker each day. While it may be tough to convince them that they should start using one, once they do, they are sure to appreciate the support that it offers.

  • Helps seniors stay active
  • Keeps their heart strong
  • Helps improve socialization
  • Wheels make it easy to use
  • Encourages seniors to maintain independence
  • Allows seniors to age in place more easily
  • Gives confidence in their ability to move around
  • Provides support on a variety of different terrains

Top rollator features for seniors

The features included in a rollator walker can vary from one model to the next, however many rollator walkers will have some key features in common that make them appealing to most seniors. Looking for a rollator with some or all of these features can help make the transition to using a walker a bit easier.

Lightweight for easy transport

Seniors will be more likely to use a rollator walker that is fairly lightweight and easy to move around. Whether they will need to move their walker up and down a stair or two, or be able to pack it into a vehicle, a lighter rollator will be much easier to use.

Agility, especially in small spaces

One of the biggest benefits to a rollator walker compared to a traditional one is the ease with which it can be moved around both inside and outside of the home. Many seniors live in small homes, apartments and care homes so a rollator that can maneuver through narrow hallways and around tight corners will be much easier to use each day.

All-terrain capability

When seniors are able to use their rollator on a wide variety of terrain, they are more likely to incorporate it into their day to day lives. Whether they are walking on grassy fields, rocky or bumpy pathways or sandy ground, a walker with wide, rubber tires and an X-frame that absorbs the shocks will be beneficial.

Incorporates a seat for resting as needed

One of the significant reasons for a senior to start using a rollator walker is if they find they need to take breaks while they are walking. A built-in seat is a very beneficial and necessary accessory for a rollator walker. With a seat that comes with them everywhere they go, a senior is able to pause and rest any time they want.

Ample accessories available

Accessories like a water bottle holder, a handlebar bag, cane and umbrella and holder, a food tray and an Oxygen tank holder all make life easier for anyone using a rollator walker. The ability to easily carry the things they need throughout the day will help most seniors feel more confident in using a rollator walker to help support their movement.

Folds up easily

Most seniors will look for a rollator walker that can easily fold up for storage or transportation. The ability to make their walker smaller will be helpful for those living in small spaces like an apartment or a senior’s residence. For seniors that enjoy getting out of their home, a rollator that can fold up makes it much easier to pop in the car or take onto public transportation.

Maintaining mobility is essential for health

Getting active every day is an important part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and has a number of positive effects on a person’s health, especially for a senior.  Physical activity is a great way to maintain a healthy heart, lungs and body while encouraging them to continue to explore their world. The continued independence that comes with being able to move around freely, even if they need the support of a rollator walker, will help a senior to better cope with the many changes they’re experiencing in their life.

Can I Use a Rollator Walker in My Small Condo Apartment Unit?     

Rollator Walker for Compact Living Spaces

When you start thinking about using a rollator walker to support your mobility, one of the biggest concerns most people have is whether their new walker will be too cumbersome to actually use. Having this extra piece of equipment cluttering up your home can feel irritating and have you avoiding it altogether, especially if you live in a small apartment. However, if you find the right size rollator for your needs, it can be a very positive addition to your life.

Signs it may be time to start using a mobility aid

There are a number of different signs that you might want to consider incorporating a mobility aid like a rollator walker into your daily routine. Whether you just use it inside your home for those moments when you need a bit of support or you bring it on outings each day, a rollator walker can be quite a help for many reasons:

  • You get tired when walking distances
  • You feel off balance or dizzy at times
  • You’re recovering from an injury or surgery
  • You feel out of breath before long
  • You fall sometimes or often, or are afraid that you will
  • You have pain or discomfort when you walk
  • Your legs aren’t able to bear the full weight of your body
  • You have a condition that affects your coordination, balance or muscles like arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s Disease
  • You struggle to walk unsupported and carry things at the same time.

Top features that make a rollator good for small apartments

Compact Rollator Walker by Volaris
Ideal for smaller spaces, yet packing all the features expected of a premium, strong and sturdy rollator walker.

While there are many features that make a rollator walker a great choice, there are a few things to look for when shopping for one that will suit a small apartment or condo. These specific features will help ensure that you’ll be able to use your rollator whenever you need to, without worrying whether it will be too big for your space.

Foldable X Frame – A compact rollator walker with a foldable frame will make it much easier to store the walker when you’re not using it. Small homes rarely have much storage space, so a foldable frame that takes up little space is ideal. The X frame allows a folded-up rollator walker to stand on its own even when folded, making it very easy to just roll it to the side when you’re not using it.

Good wheels – In an apartment or condo, with less space to maneuver around, it’s important that your rollator doesn’t need much space to turn. Good wheels will help you turn around corners and maneuver through tight spaces quite easily.

Compact size – A narrow walker will fit through doorways and around furniture much easier than a standard size one.

Smooth ride – Cushioned rubber tires will roll over a variety of flooring styles with ease, making your movements around your home comfortable and smooth.

Lightweight construction – Although most apartments and condos don’t have many stairs, for those that do a lightweight rollator walker is an essential part of moving around with ease. Having to lift a heavy walker up or down even one stair can be prohibitive for some users, so a lightweight frame is a must.

A built-in seat – One of the most important features of any rollator walker is its built-in seat. A significant reason that one might start using a rollator walker is that they need the ability to sit down at times, even in their own home. Keeping a rollator nearby when working in the kitchen or using the washroom can help them to feel confident that they have the support available anytime it’s needed.

A compact rollator walker will give you freedom

When moving around without support starts to feel difficult, incorporating a rollator walker might be the perfect solution. A rollator walker can help make moving around feel easy and enjoyable. Maintaining mobility is an important aspect of most people’s lives. Not only does it help them maintain their independence, regular movement has many significant mental and physical health benefits as well.

Using a rollator walker might feel prohibitive and cumbersome at first but once you get used to using it, you’ll be so thankful you were open to the idea! Compact rollator walkers are very versatile and will be easy to use in any small home.

Can I go to the Beach with a Rollator Walker           

Walk on the beach with rollator walkers

When your ability to move around freely starts to decline and you realize that you’re on your way to needing to use a cane or rollator walker, it’s easy to think that your days of visiting the beach are over. But there is good news for beach lovers! There are rollator walkers that are designed to include features that will make hitting the beach and putting your toes in the sand possible for many years to come. There are many positive effects that a vacation or daytrip to the beach can have on a person of any age, especially those who may find their freedom feeling reduced. What better way to embrace life, feel free and get some physical activity than with a day at the beach!

Keep active for prolonged mobility

A key to living well is getting outdoors! If you’ve avoided walks on the beach, or thought you couldn’t walk along the beach due to mobility challenges, then Volaris All-Terrain Rollators are ready to meet that challenge. Get back to the beach with our unique, all-terrain rollator designs!

Although it may feel better to reduce activity levels when mobility issues start to present themselves, maintaining a level of physical activity is often beneficial. Continued movement can help a person to maintain their freedom and mobility for much longer than if they reduce their movement when things get difficult. Along with mobility benefits, there are a number of physical and mental benefits to regular physical activity as well.

Visiting the beach has many benefits

Spending time at the beach is a great way to incorporate physical activity into your life. The fresh air, cool breeze and warm sun can have some significant physical and mental health benefits on those who spend time enjoying them. Whether you just hop out of the car and walk to your favourite beach chair or opt for a stroll along the water, being at the beach is the perfect way to take a break and enjoy life.

An increasing number of beaches are incorporating features that make moving through the sand and getting down to the water much more accessible to people with limited mobility. Ramps for wheelchairs can allow people to bring their own mobility aids to the beach, while some facilities may rent wheelchairs with oversized wheels that are designed to float in the water and roll across sand easily.

Few rollator walkers are designed for hitting the beach

Volaris Rollator Walker is Ready for Sandy or Rocky Beach Walks

While a standard rollator walker might struggle on the sandy, rugged terrain found at the beach, there are some models that include features that make visiting the beach easy. If you know that going to the beach is a priority, look for these features on a rollator walker:

Large, wide wheels – The larger the wheel, the easier it will move across rugged terrain like sand or stones. A rollator walker with large wheels will be easier to push across a sandy beach than one that has small wheels.

Soft rubber tires – Tires that have some give to them will offer more padding and compression when going over uneven ground. This will allow the walker to roll through sand nicely, without putting stress on a user’s arms and upper body.

Suspension frame – A frame that will absorb some of the impact involved with rolling it on rough terrain can make the rollator easier to control, more comfortable to hold on to and gentler on the user. The flex frame of the Volaris Patrol rollator walker is designed to help keep all four wheels on the ground, creating an easy experience for anyone using it.

Lightweight construction – When pushing a rollator walker over uneven terrain like sand, the more lightweight it is the easier it will be to push. The last thing someone with balance issues needs is to struggle with their too-heavy walker when trying to enjoy some time at the beach.

The Patrol model is the ideal solution

While several rollator walkers might offer a positive experience to the user, the Patrol model by Volaris is ideal for anyone wanting to enjoy some freedom at the beach. The included features like the built-in seat, easy to grip hand brakes, large rubber tires and lightweight suspension frame make it the perfect mobility aid for a day at the beach.

The freedom gained from choosing a rollator walker that suits an individual’s specific needs is invaluable for anyone looking to maintain a high quality of life. When a person is able to participate in activities they enjoy like a fun day at the beach, they are more likely to be happy with their life.

Active Aging – Why Mobility can Help Your Overall Health in Senior Years

Active Aging Activities for Seniors

One common concern as people age is that they’ll struggle to maintain their mobility and independence, and that they might have to adopt a mobility aid to do so. Having to accept the support offered by a cane or rollator walker is often thought of as a sign of weakness or concession, so aging people might be inclined to push them away at first.

However, using a mobility aid can actually help a person to stay mobile and maintain their health as they age. Regular physical activity has significant benefits for people of all ages, especially those who are reaching senior citizen status. Whether the goal is to simply move around the home or to be able to get outside for walks, regular movement is the key to maintaining mobility and independence.

Mobility is the key to independence

At Xlent Care Products, we’re all about helping clients achieve greater mobility – despite age or mobility restrictions. Our all-terrain, “go everywhere” rollators have provided users levels of freedom they previously thought unimaginable. Believe it – then do it!

Adults who struggle to move around freely are at risk for a number of different health issues as well as the potential that they will be unable to live by themselves. The ability to move around is an essential one when it comes to taking care of yourself. If someone is unable to get themselves to the bathroom as needed or navigate around their kitchen for meals, it likely isn’t safe for them to be living alone.

Making an effort to maintain or improve mobility as they age is going to be a key factor in maintaining freedom and independence. Adults who don’t maintain their mobility are at a greater risk of developing diseases and disabilities that may lead to hospitalization, and tend to have a poorer quality of life overall.

Mobility improves overall health

While it’s common for people to slow down and become less active with age, there are many benefits to maintaining as much activity as one can handle each day. A routine that incorporates and promotes mobility has been shown to improve overall health in many ways, including:

  • Naturally boosts your energy by releasing endorphins
  • Maintains and improves the strength of your heart and improves blood pressure
  • Helps you to manage symptoms of illness or pain
  • Maintains and improves metabolism, leading to the maintenance of a healthy weight
  • Improves immune system and digestive function
  • Promotes better bone density
  • Lowers the risk of diseases like Alzheimer’s, diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers
  • Increases flexibility, coordination and balance, reducing the risk of falls
  • Improves posture, leading to a possible reduction in body pain and aches
  • Improves quality of sleep
  • Encourages brain health including prevention of memory loss, dementia and other signs of cognitive decline

Spending time outdoors is good for your mental health

Aging can bring along with it a whole host of stressors and concerns, so there is significant value in seeking out ways to destress and boost moods. One easy step towards positive mental health is to spend time outdoors. Whether it’s going for a walk alone or with friends, sitting on a park bench and enjoying the sights or taking yoga in a local park, any time spent outside has been shown to have significant benefits on both mental and physical health.

The endorphins released during exercise help to reduce feelings of depression, stress, anxiety and sadness and can be felt almost immediately upon heading outdoors. This can translate into a reduction of insomnia, headaches, indigestion and muscle tension.

Mobility aids make physical activity easier

Although maintaining a regular schedule of physical activity can feel intimidating or pointless many days, using a mobility aid like a rollator walker or a cane can make all the difference. Further, accessories for rollators – from water bottle to oxygen tank holders can further assist range. Knowing that they have support right in the palm of their hand can help ward off fears and concerns. A rollator walker is the perfect option for someone that struggles to stay active. The built-in seat offers the comfort of being able to sit for a break at a moment’s notice, while the hand brakes ensure that the walker won’t take on a mind of its own.

Although growing older can be a stressful time both physically and mentally, making the time for some exercise, especially outdoors, can help make the transition a smoother one for everyone involved. Encouraging the use of a rollator walker can help a senior to feel confident and motivated to maintain a regular activity schedule, and to get outside as often as they can.

Top Rollator Walker Accessories that Help You Increase Mobility 

Rollator walker accessories

When you start using a rollator it can be intimidating to incorporate it into day-to-day life. While it may feel cumbersome and hard to get used to, a rollator walker can help you maintain your mobility. A properly fit rollator will allow you to move around much easier, and feel safe and supported while you do. There are a number of accessories that can make using a rollator even easier for you, too!

Top accessories that increase mobility with rollator walkers

Simply using a rollator walker can help improve mobility thanks to the increased support that it provides, however there are a number of different accessories that can help make life even easier for someone using one.

An umbrella

An umbrella that attaches to the frame of a rollator walker can help weather-related issues from standing in your way. Whether you’re trying to keep out the sun or to protect yourself on a rainy day, an umbrella is a tool that can help you stay motivated to get active each day.

An oxygen tank holder

For those that need to bring an oxygen tank with them, an oxygen tank holder on your rollator walker can help make the task of maintaining mobility much easier. An oxygen tank holder will keep the tank safe, secure and close at hand, while allowing you the freedom to move around with your rollator.

A back rest

One significant perk to using a rollator walker is the built-in seat that comes with it. However, for some users, a seat alone isn’t quite enough support when it’s time for a rest. An added back rest can help ensure that you can take a comfortable seat any time you need to. A backrest will help a user feel steadier and stronger when they do decide that it’s time for a rest.

A cane holder

While a rollator walker is often the most supportive way to get around, there’s no denying that there are times where it is just too big and cumbersome to do the job. Having your cane close at hand even when using your walker will help you maintain mobility and not shy away from moving around in tighter areas. A cane holder will keep your cane securely attached to your rollator, ready for whenever you need to swap it out.

A storage bag or basket

A storage bag that attaches to the front of your rollator frame can help keep your hands free as you move around. This allows you to safely hold onto your handlebars and hand brakes, while still carrying items that you need with you.

A platform attachment

For rollator users that need a bit more upright support, a platform attachment is the perfect accessory. The extension arm attaches to the rollator frame and offers the user forearm support for one or both arms. This is particularly beneficial for anyone needing a push towards a more upright posture, or for anyone recovering from surgery or an injury.

A cupholder

Having a bottle of water close at hand can be helpful, especially if you are not accustomed to regular physical activity. With a dedicated holder for it on your rollator you will be more likely to remember to bring it with you throughout the day.

Physical mobility has many benefits

Although many people who use a rollator walker may struggle to maintain and improve their mobility, the benefits they’ll experience are worth the effort. Increased physical mobility can help reduce blood pressure, maintain body weight, improve posture and even improve mental health. These benefits mean that there is significant reason to incorporate movement into daily life. Whether you are able to meet with friends or family to go for a walk outside or are just looking to continue getting around your home independently, using a rollator walker and its accessories can make things much easier for you.

Accessories can make all the difference

Having the right accessories for your needs as a rollator walker user can make all the difference when it comes to the ability to maintain mobility. Tools like the ones mentioned here can help keep you safe and stable while you move around each day, even if you’re dealing with struggles like injury, disease, or age-related issues like poor balance and coordination.