Can I Use a Rollator Walker in My Small Condo Apartment Unit?     

Rollator Walker for Compact Living Spaces

When you start thinking about using a rollator walker to support your mobility, one of the biggest concerns most people have is whether their new walker will be too cumbersome to actually use. Having this extra piece of equipment cluttering up your home can feel irritating and have you avoiding it altogether, especially if you live in a small apartment. However, if you find the right size rollator for your needs, it can be a very positive addition to your life.

Signs it may be time to start using a mobility aid

There are a number of different signs that you might want to consider incorporating a mobility aid like a rollator walker into your daily routine. Whether you just use it inside your home for those moments when you need a bit of support or you bring it on outings each day, a rollator walker can be quite a help for many reasons:

  • You get tired when walking distances
  • You feel off balance or dizzy at times
  • You’re recovering from an injury or surgery
  • You feel out of breath before long
  • You fall sometimes or often, or are afraid that you will
  • You have pain or discomfort when you walk
  • Your legs aren’t able to bear the full weight of your body
  • You have a condition that affects your coordination, balance or muscles like arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis or Parkinson’s Disease
  • You struggle to walk unsupported and carry things at the same time.

Top features that make a rollator good for small apartments

Compact Rollator Walker by Volaris
Ideal for smaller spaces, yet packing all the features expected of a premium, strong and sturdy rollator walker.

While there are many features that make a rollator walker a great choice, there are a few things to look for when shopping for one that will suit a small apartment or condo. These specific features will help ensure that you’ll be able to use your rollator whenever you need to, without worrying whether it will be too big for your space.

Foldable X Frame – A compact rollator walker with a foldable frame will make it much easier to store the walker when you’re not using it. Small homes rarely have much storage space, so a foldable frame that takes up little space is ideal. The X frame allows a folded-up rollator walker to stand on its own even when folded, making it very easy to just roll it to the side when you’re not using it.

Good wheels – In an apartment or condo, with less space to maneuver around, it’s important that your rollator doesn’t need much space to turn. Good wheels will help you turn around corners and maneuver through tight spaces quite easily.

Compact size – A narrow walker will fit through doorways and around furniture much easier than a standard size one.

Smooth ride – Cushioned rubber tires will roll over a variety of flooring styles with ease, making your movements around your home comfortable and smooth.

Lightweight construction – Although most apartments and condos don’t have many stairs, for those that do a lightweight rollator walker is an essential part of moving around with ease. Having to lift a heavy walker up or down even one stair can be prohibitive for some users, so a lightweight frame is a must.

A built-in seat – One of the most important features of any rollator walker is its built-in seat. A significant reason that one might start using a rollator walker is that they need the ability to sit down at times, even in their own home. Keeping a rollator nearby when working in the kitchen or using the washroom can help them to feel confident that they have the support available anytime it’s needed.

A compact rollator walker will give you freedom

When moving around without support starts to feel difficult, incorporating a rollator walker might be the perfect solution. A rollator walker can help make moving around feel easy and enjoyable. Maintaining mobility is an important aspect of most people’s lives. Not only does it help them maintain their independence, regular movement has many significant mental and physical health benefits as well.

Using a rollator walker might feel prohibitive and cumbersome at first but once you get used to using it, you’ll be so thankful you were open to the idea! Compact rollator walkers are very versatile and will be easy to use in any small home.

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