Advantages of Volaris SMART Rollator Walker

A walker is one kind of mobility help used for assisting people who can still walk yet want assistance. It allows an individual to lean on it for support, balance, and rest. Walkers are generally made from materials that allow them to be very light to pick and move easily. Adjustable walkers have been around for many years now. These have done wonders for the people who would like to maintain a free and independent lifestyle but want extra help when getting around. In most cases, seniors would like to stay more in their homes and they often live alone. Many suffer from illnesses like arthritis, hip and back problems, and severe breathing conditions that hinder their ability to walk as well as limit their endurance and balance. You can also find seniors in assisted living residences or nursing homes who make use of adjustable walkers. They perhaps are more common in these places and even then, the adjustable walker can prolong their independence. The adjustable walkers for seniors come in different sizes, or heights. Some have adjustable arms that allow seniors to raise or lower the push handles. The height of the seat will differ from person to person and depend on leg strength; tall individuals with good leg strength sometimes prefer a lower seat, even though they might be measured for a higher one. Shorter people might be measured for a low seat, but prefer a taller one because they have poor leg strength or weaker knees. Generally, however, when sitting on the seat, an individual’s feet should be flat on the floor. Xlent Care Products Inc. is a rolling walkers wholesaler in the USA supplying the Volaris SMART rollator walker. This is a unique walker designed so that you can stand straight and walk with great posture and less fatigue. Made in Sweden with exceptional quality and design!

Lightweight Rollator Walker Offers Great Maneuverability and Stability

All Terrain Rollator Walker for Mobility

Mobility has changed exponentially since the first wheelchair, providing many different options to get around. From crutches to power wheelchairs and knee walkers to walkers, mobility has come a long way. A lightweight rollator walker can help to improve your stamina, making it easier to keep moving all day long. They are perfect for weak individuals or those grappling with health and mobility issues, such as the elderly or the hospitalized. Lightweight rollators are also easy to move and less likely to cause strain to muscles or joints. Features of a Lightweight Rollator Walker

  • Aluminum frame
  • Deep frame with multiple height adjustments
  • X frame design for added stability and transport
  • Handgrips that provide comfort and long-lasting wear
  • Cushioned rubber tires, which are ideal for both indoor and outdoor use

Sometimes, canes simply aren’t the best option when it comes to getting around. 4 wheel rollators and walkers make it easy to walk from a particular point to another with ease for the mobility impaired, offering more stability and a smoother ride than a walker. The wheels that are attached to each leg of a rollator allow you to walk quickly and efficiently without straining yourself. Rollators also have a built-in seat for when you need the occasional rest. Any situation that can cause dizziness or fatigue can be much less frightening with a rolling walker because there is always a sense of security since you can always reach forward and grab your walker if you were to ever lose your balance or stumble. Rollator walkers do not only assist with balance. They can also be used for support. Finding a walker that allows you to stand upright in a good posture is crucial as bending over can cause a lot of pain and fatigue. Volaris folding rollator walkers come with a unique X frame folding design that allows people to fit their rollator in the trunk of a car. It quickly and effortlessly folds to 9” in width. They are equipped with a locking strap for easy storage and transport.

Improve Your Mobility with a Volaris Designer Rollator Walker

Increase Mobility with an All Terrain Rollator Walker with 4 wheels

An unfortunate part of growing older for seniors is that they continually lose some amount of mobility as they get older. This can be attributed to many different types of illnesses, diseases, and conditions (that affect younger people as well). The really sad part is that most seniors are not ready to deal with the loss of the ability to get around easily. This is where the Volaris Designer Rollator Walkers can help to improve the mobility of any senior that needs to have the assistance that an only a walker can provide. The five models of the Volaris Rollator Walker each provide a number of benefits over the other brands of walkers on the market, but each model has the unique feature of a design that allows the user to walk with great posture, upright – not hunched over.  Made in Sweden, the Volaris also has the unique design of a flexible frame which helps prevent the jarring affect through your upper body and hands that you get from a rigid walker.  Xlent Care Products, Inc. is an online retailer of the best adjustable walkers for seniors. The Five Basic Models of the Volaris Designer Rollator WalkerStandard The Volaris Designer Rollator Walker Standard is the very basic model walker designed to provide the mobility and security like no walker in its class. The fully adjustable handles are designed to keep the user more upright and reduce the amount of bending. The heavy-duty 8” wheels and flexibility of the steel frame helps it to absorb the majority of shock. Key Features

  • 8” Cushioned, rubber, all-terrain tires
  • Sturdy, flexible (comfort) frame for rough ground
  • Built-in adjustable height seat
  • Adjustable height handles, 30”-40”
  • VABS Braking System

Smart The Volaris Designer Rollator Walker Smart is the next level walker that has several unique features that sets it apart from other brands of walkers on the market. The braking system found on the Smart model features two easy to operate hand levers and the cables are concealed within the frame to avoid snagging them on things while maneuvering around town. The large, 8” all-terrain tires make it easy to roll across low grass, gravel, dirt, cobblestones and concrete. Available sizes:  Regular, Low, Wide and Low-wide Models. Key Features

  • 8” Cushioned, rubber, all-terrain tires
  • Sturdy, flexible (comfort) frame for rough ground
  • Enclosed (within the frame) brake cables
  • Built-in adjustable height seat
  • Adjustable height handles 30”-40”
  • Ergonomic hand grips

Shadow The Volaris Designer Rollator Walker Shadow is similar in function to the Smart walker, but it comes in special shadow color schemes (more toned down) and also is available in three different sizes; Regular, Low, Wide and Low-wide Models. Key Features

  • 8” Cushioned, rubber, all-terrain tires
  • Sturdy, flexible frame for rough ground
  • Enclosed brake cables
  • Built-in sturdy, adjustable height seat
  • Adjustable height handles 30”-40”
  • Ergonomic hand grips
  • Special shadow colors

Patrol The Volaris Designer Rollator Walker “Patrol” is designed especially to provide increased mobility for seniors who deal with rough terrain every day or often. The 10” tires are made to be rolled across a wide range of different terrain. The unique Volaris upright walkers are made to keep the user in a more comfortable, upright position and are also great for taller people due to the handle range adjustment. The fully enclosed brake cables keep the danger of the walker getting snagged on something to a minimum. Available sizes: Regular, Low, Wide and Low-wide Models. Key Features

  • 10” Cushioned, rubber all-terrain tires
  • Built-in sturdy, adjustable height seat
  • Enclosed brake cables
  • 32-42” height adjustable
  • Ergonomic hand grips
  • Built-in adjustable height seat

Discovery The Volaris Designer Rollator Walker Discovery is similar to the Shadow, except that it has slightly wider and more cushioned tires. The combination makes it handle the off road terrain even better than the regular 8” tires.  This is the ideal model if you deal with rough terrain often but need to also use your walker in smaller spaces indoors. The key to Volaris Designer Rollator Walker Discovery and all of the other models is that they are all designed to keep the user more upright. Available sizes:  Regular, Low, Wide and Low-wide Models. Key Features

  • Ergonomic hand grips
  • 8” all-terrain more cushioned and slightly wider tires
  • Adjustable height seat
  • Enclosed (within the frame) Brake cables

This is where technology comes in and provides today’s seniors with a way to improve their mobility. For years a person would have to struggle to get around using a traditional rigid steel walker in order to get around. While they worked the best they could, the old style walkers just were too cumbersome and limited to where they could be used.

Rolling Walkers Are Perfect For People Who Need Something More Durable

Assistive devices, such as walkers, are being used more often as people age. If you are looking for something to provide minimal help for a patient, a cane might be a better solution. Canes improve one’s ability to get up from a chair or can help with balance. Rolling walkers with seat and wheels, however, provide even more stability and better body alignment and balance. In general, rolling walkers with seat and wheels are given to patients to keep them stable when walking. They are perfect for long trips or for those who don’t want to be slowed down by their mobility equipment. If the correct type of rollator is prescribed, and if patients are taught how to use them correctly, they can decrease the risk of falls. Volaris Rollator has four wheels, with the 2 front wheels fully rotating, brakes, and a seat. It is used for patients who need a walker for both balance and weight-bearing. It is also easier to propel than any other type of walker. Advantages of Rollators

  • They provide a more normal walking pattern, as they do not need to be lifted off the ground with each step.
  • They are easy to maneuver around turns and typically do not need to be lifted when turning.
  • They are perfect for use outdoors where the surfaces may be uneven.
  • They can also be used indoors, and some are even narrow enough to navigate through tricky halls and doorways.
  • A rollator’s seat is helpful for people with diseases like heart failure or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which require resting.

Volaris Rollator upright medical walker stand-up straight are designed for less pain and more stability. Unlike walkers that force you to hunch over putting painful pressure on your shoulders and back, this unique walker is designed to support you in a secure upright position giving you better posture so you have more confidence and less pain. They can be used as a medical walker, and are perfect for seniors, rehab patients, and users with neurological, cardiovascular, pulmonology, and other health disorders.