With temperatures warming up and snow finally gone for another year it’s high time to get outside for some fresh air and exercise. Walking is the perfect low impact exercise for anyone that’s been looking for a way to keep moving.
As you’ll see, challenges with mobility CAN be overcome with the help of quality walking aids.
Chief among the many reasons to take your regular walk outdoors now that weather allows for it include:
1. See the sights and sounds of spring
As the weather warms up you’ll get to enjoy more and more of what spring has to offer on your regular walks. Getting outside to experience the birds singing, flowers blooming and grass turning green will help motivate you to start or continue an outdoor walking routine.
2. Breath in the fresh air
The fresh air you’ll get from walking outside will leave you feeling refreshed and full of energy. Fresh air has significant benefits on a person’s mental health, especially after all the time they’ve likely spent indoors through the winter.
3. Enjoy in comfortable temperatures
It’s no surprise that it’s much easier to get outside for a walk when the temperatures are warmer. With no need to struggle with a coat or to search for a hat and mittens before going outside for a walk in the cold, you won’t have anything holding you back from going for a walk.
4. Get some sun
Vitamin D is a necessary piece of a healthy lifestyle and the sun is a significant natural source of it. Vitamin D can help boost your immune system, reduce depression and improve weight loss so after a winter of being indoors, spring is the perfect time to increase your exposure to this important vitamin.
5. The outdoors is great for your health
Spending time outside can help relive stress, relax tense muscles, lower blood pressure and help improve your immune system. Going for a walk outside can also help increase endorphins and the release of serotonin resulting in a better mood overall.
6. It’s easier to keep going
When people spend time exercising outside they are often more likely to spend more time doing it. When you exercise at home it is easy to stop as soon as you get tired or bored. But once you’ve set out for a walk you have no choice but to keep going until you get back home. If you are just starting a walking routine, it might be best to start out small so you don’t end up pushing yourself too far, too soon.
7. Nature is a free, stimulating setting
When looking for an easy way to incorporate physical exercise into one’s daily routine, there’s no easier and cheaper way than to head outdoors and go for a walk. Your community’s sidewalks and pathways are a great way to embrace the outdoors and take in all the many benefits it can provide. Also, every walk will be different – seeing different people and places will stimulate your senses and add variety to life!
Mobility aids can provide comfort
If you or your loved one is facing some struggles when it comes to getting mobile outdoors there are a few different mobility aids that can help them feel more comfortable and independent.
A cane – when they need just a bit of help with balance a cane can be just the trick. A cane will offer a third ‘leg’ to lean on, helping with balance and light movement.
A walker – for small movements a 4-legged walker can help offer balance and support when a user doesn’t need wheels to assist their mobility.
A rollator walker – rollator walkers provide the most benefits for anyone struggling with getting around. The built-in seat, adjustable height, easy to use hand brakes and all terrain wheels make using a walker easy.
Getting outdoors is great for your health
Whether you need some support or are able to move around without any, the outdoors is a great place to continue your regular walking routine. The numerous benefits will have you feeling great and appreciating the season for all it has to offer. If support is needed, a rollator walker is the perfect tool to help you maintain your independence and keep up with a good quality of life.