MedUp V2: Advanced active-passive therapy bike now in Canada!

The MedUp V2 is the newest intelligent, motorized therapy ergometer, targeting both upper and lower extremities.

The MedUp V2 is targeted to people with mobility issues resulting from accidents or chronic diseases or conditions, including strokes, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries,  diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or simply aging. 

Advanced cycle therapy features

The motor-assisted bike’s most advanced features are its ability to automatically detect and release muscle spasms, and reduce spasticity. Additional features set the MedUp V2 apart from other cycle therapy bikes. It has  both arm and leg pedals built into the unit while typical bikes have only a single set of pedals that must be picked up and moved to be used with either set of limbs.

The MedUp V2 offers immediate feedback on speed, resistance, muscle tension, symmetry training of the limbs and other training data on a large, colour, easy-to-use, intuitive screen display.

The device is highly adaptable. It can be used in different modes, depending on if or how well users can move their arms and legs on their own.

Replaces the MOTOmed and THERA Vital trainers in Canada

Due to changes in Health Canada medical device-licencing requirements, the RECK MOTOmed and THERA Vital active-passive exercisers are no longer available in Canada.. Rehabilitation centres, healthcare institutions and home users in search of such advanced, specialized cycle therapy bike have been out of luck.

 But now, health-care professionals in physical therapy and rehabilitation have a premium, commercial-grade therapy system to deliver superior patient care.The MedUp V2 is designed for optimal performance to meet the needs of the Canadian market. 

MedUp V2 exclusively sold in Ontario by Xlent Care Products

View MedUp V2 product specifications, and purchase now.

The MedUp V2 active-passive cycle trainer is sold exclusively in Ontario by Xlent Care Products Inc.

“As previous supplier of the MOTOmed movement therapy system in Ontario, we’re thrilled to bring this new, advanced equipment to market,” says Alan Fine, president of Xlent Care Products  and previous president of Rehatek Inc..

MedUp V2 purchase inquiries are welcome to discuss specifications, advanced therapy/rehabilitation features and more. The equipment ships fast throughout Ontario, and is backed by knowledgeable sales experts.

What is most important to seniors’ quality of life

When looking to help maintain a good quality of life for seniors, there are many things to consider  -but they may not be what you think!

According to a recent study, most seniors feel that connection with family and friends helps them to maintain a high quality of life more than financial security.

Building and maintaining relationships with loved ones helps seniors to hold onto their quality of life, even when finances and health might be causing stress. Helping the seniors in your life to remain connected to the people they know and to meet new friends can ensure that stay happy as they age.

Social connections are vitally important for seniors

Maintaining strong social connections as they age can help seniors hold onto their health, both mental and physical. As humans age it becomes more difficult to get out and interact with friends and family. However, it is an essential thing to stay on top of because many seniors who are isolated from social connections have been shown to be at a greater risk of developing dementia and may even live shorter lives.

How to help seniors stay connected

There are many ways that you can help seniors stay connected. Whether you are able to be there to help facilitate or are guiding from a distance, there are several things that you can do to offer your support and assistance.

1. Go for regular walks
Whether they are able to walk on their own- with or without mobility aids- or have friends or family that are willing to walk with them, getting out for regular walks is a great way to maintain connectivity. Walking with a friend is the perfect way to engage in conversation, maintain mental health and improve physical health.
2. Make use of technology and the internet
If the distance is a barrier, seniors can make use of the internet to help reduce that distance. Chatting through text or video calls can facilitate a connection with far away friends and family. Often seniors can struggle with learning how to use technology so spending some time teaching them the basics will be essential to their success.
3. Choose a socially thriving home
When the time comes to move into an assisted living facility, choosing the right one is the best way to help seniors maintain relationships and connections. Homes that host regular social events like game nights, coffee clubs and local field trips are a great choice for seniors that thrive on connections with others.
4. Plan family visits
One of the most important connections in a senior’s life is the ones they have with their family. In order to maintain those connections as they age, families should make time to join their loved ones for meals, outings, and other gatherings.
5. Take up a hobby
Another great way to foster relationships and stay connected with their community is to take up a hobby. Joining a sewing club, bowling league, dart team or choir is the perfect way for seniors to make friends with similar interests. Bird watching and photography are amazing ways to get out while doing something fun!
6. Try out volunteering
Spending time volunteering with their church, community organizations or charities is one way that seniors are able to still feel connected with their community. If volunteering is a new idea for your loved one, you may consider joining them at the beginning to help increase their comfort level.
7. Encourage them to attend parties
Whether it’s a birthday party for their grandkids, an anniversary party for a friend or a graduation party for a child, encouraging seniors to attend parties is an excellent way for them to have fun, break up their routine and maintain a connection with their family and friends. 

Mobility helps seniors maintain quality of life

Since quality of life is directly related to the connection that seniors have with their family, friends and community, the ability to move around is an essential aspect. Mobility, both assisted and unassisted, is a strong factor in a senior’s quality of life.

Physical movement helps seniors to ward off many physical ailments as well as mental ones. Whether they use a cane, a rollator walker or a wheelchair to help them get around, regular movement can help boost their immune system, ward of many age- and health-related ailments, maintain a positive outlook and continue to foster relationships with friends and family.

Pain management: Two devices that dig deep to help you feel better

While COVID-19 is causing all sorts of stresses, one of the lesser-discussed impacts of the pandemic is the difficulties it is causing for chronic pain management; indeed, some researchers are considering the.potential for a post-pandemic increase in chronic pain. 

Whether you have acute or chronic pain now or will find yourself feeling it later, there are a couple of infrared pain-relief products that can greatly alleviate aches, and directly help with muscles, tendons, ligaments and even bones to speed recovery and promote healing. 

The products I am referring to are the Thermotex therapy pads and the Genesis pain-relief light. 

Thermotex deep-tissue infrared heating pads relieve pain

Thermotex offers a variety of deep-tissue infrared heating pads, including the Platinum, that are designed to relieve pain, promote healing and accelerate rehabilitation. 

The radiant heat goes much deeper than other pads, increasing blood flow. Thermotex products are safe, easy to operate, portable and convenient! 

Genesis pain-relief light maximizes healing 

The Genesis pain-relief light, engineered to provide maximum healing with unparalleled light penetration, alleviates pain, decreases inflammation, accelerates wound healing and leads to improved recovery from ischemic injury. 

Compact, portable and easy to handle, this personal-use model can treat a range of ailments, from sports injuries to back pain to carpal tunnel syndrome. 

When the therapy pad or the light are used first thing in the morning, both help to decrease muscle stiffness. 

When used before exercise, they help muscles better stretch and, when used after a workout, they can help reduce the pain associated with exercising or over-exercising unconditioned muscles. 

Both devices can be used at any time to ease any other kinds of aches and pains, too, and also can help with wound healing. They are safe to use a few times a day. 

And if you don’t have the ability to feel hot or cold, don’t worry: You will never get burned. 

Get a great cardio workout using just your arms!

When you think of cardio exercise, you probably think of brisk walking, fast dancing or other moves that leave you huffing and puffing as you put your legs to work. 

But did you realize that you can also get a great cardio workout by using only your arms?

Many people who suffer from physical issues and/or pain in the lower half of their bodies — back, legs, hips, knees or ankles — can find their ability to do traditional aerobic exercises limited or even impossible. 

Any rhythmic arm movements increase your heart rate

But any rhythmic arm movements that similarly increase your heart rate and breathing can allow you to get that same cardio workout!

The Resistance Chair exercise system is a wonderful tool for cardio workouts using just your arms.

The resistance cables in the pulleys attached to the chair move easily, allowing you to smoothly transition from one arm exercise to another at a pace that increases your breathing and heart rate to improve your cardiovascular fitness.

The system comes with three different levels of resistance, so you can tailor your workout for maximum effect.

Adjust levels of resistance to tailor a workout

 That means you can adjust the cables so they will not be so light that you can move your arms without feeling short of breath, and not so heavy that your arm muscles will fatigue before the minimum 10-minute bouts of exercise recommended for cardiovascular endurance. 

Sure, there are other ways to get a similar workout. But using weights or resistance bands freely — unlike those that are attached to the Resistance Chair system — can put serious strain on your wrists, and make you more prone to back injury if you pick up a weight from the floor incorrectly.

That’s not a concern with the Resistance Chair system since the cables are already in position, and don’t require any bending to pick them up. 

As well, when you use separate resistance bands, you can find them awkward and clumsy, and it’s tough to know how best to anchor and position them as you move from one arm exercise to another. 

With the cables already attached to the Resistance Chair, all guess work is eliminated. 

The Resistance Chair system comes with a wall chart and a workout DVD that outline the many ways you can use it for strength training.

Want to see a great arms-only cardio workout in action? 

Check out the short video below, featuring Gwen Rose, a physiotherapist and vice-president of Xlent Care Products, demonstrating how to use the pulleys and cables attached to the Resistance Chair.

Beat back pain triggered by the pandemic

The challenges triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic are creating new aches and pains for some people, and significantly aggravating chronic pain that other people were already experiencing.   

With social distancing, self-isolation and the need to stay at home, we’re facing a lot more physical work doing regular chores, often with no outside help. It results in a lot more lifting of objects, carrying of weight, bending and other exertion. That’s especially concerning for older adults. 

We are also spending a lot more time hunched over computers and other electronic devices, whether working from home, attending virtual meetings for jobs and social connections, and ordering groceries and other items on-line. 

Factor in the anxiety, stress and fears that all this is causing, and it’s a recipe for pain.

Muscle imbalances can be corrected 

Much of the pain is resulting from muscle imbalances — tight muscles from overuse, and weak muscles from lack of use, as well as a lack of circulation and accumulation of toxins.

That can all lead to stiff and tender muscles, and tiny tears in the muscle fibers, called micro-tears.

But there are many ways to combat this pandemic pain. A big one is to correct the muscle imbalances by stretching the tight muscles and gradually strengthening the weak ones, decreasing the related pain and preventing injury or further injury. 

The Resistance Chair exercise system is an effective tool

The Resistance Chair exercise system can be an easy and effective tool to make these corrections.

 The system comes with a wall chart and DVD that outline the many ways you can use the chair. 

For additional exercises, check out the video below, where physiotherapist Gwen Rose, vice-president of Xlent Care Products, demonstrates other exercises that can be done quite effortlessly to stretch the chest and strengthen the upper back.