The Importance of an Upright Walking Position

Using a rollator walker can be an intimidating thing to take on, especially as you age and experience many changes in your life. However, the possibility of increased instability and the need to have more support and help in staying mobile can lead you to start shopping for a walker.

If you or someone in your family needs help moving around and maintaining their independence and mobility, a rollator walker can be the perfect solution. When shopping for a rollator walker it is important to consider how it fits as well as how the features will suit your needs. 

Why Walking Upright is Important

When you walk with a rollator walker it can often feel easier to push the walker and walk slightly behind it, but this method can actually cause you discomfort, pain and other issues. Walking inside the walker rather than behind it can help prevent a number of issues including:

  • Sore back, neck and shoulders due to muscle strain
  • Reduced circulation from important arteries getting compressed from bad posture
  • Increased headaches and jaw pain resulting from the unconscious clenching of your jaw from leaning forward
  • Can cut off blood flow to your brain resulting in memory issues
  • Nerve pain when your nerves get ‘pinched’ between your skeletal system 

How to Fit a Rollator Walker

When fitting your rollator walker to your body you want to focus on 2 things: your elbows and your wrists. In order to reduce stress on your back, shoulders and neck when you use your walker, you’ll adjust the height of the walker using these steps:

  1. Step inside the walker and first rest your hands on the handle grips
  2. With relaxed shoulders and hands on the grips you’ll be able to adjust the height so that your elbows bend at an angle of around 15 degrees
  3. Then with your arms relaxed at your sides, the top of the handle grips should line up with the inside of your wrist, approximately where the crease of your wrist is 

Key things to know when looking for a rollator walker

Fitting a rollator walker can be a confusing process, but it’s often not a difficult one. There are a few things to keep in mind when going through the fitting and shopping process that can help make things easier.

You want to walk within the rollator

This may sound obvious, but it’s an essential thing to note. If you’re not walking within the frame of the rollator and are instead pushing it while you walk almost behind it, your back and shoulders are going to feel the effects rather quickly. When walking with your rollator you want to have the frame around you with the handles at your sides so that you are not hunching over.

A tall rollator does not mean you’ll walk upright

It may seem as though if your rollator is tall, you’ll naturally walk upright but this isn’t always the case. A tall rollator can have you leaning over to push it just as much as a short one. Ensure your rollator is fit to your height and body type before you stary using it.

Teach yourself to not slouch

As your body gets tired it can be hard to not slouch but it’s actually very bad for your shoulders and back and can lead to decreased mobility. Rollator walkers can both help and hinder your slouching, so you’ll want to put forth a concerted effort to not slouch and to instead stand upright.

Look for features you’ll use

Rollator walkers have many features that could be helpful to you. Built in seats, hand brakes, adjustable height and both regular and compact frames designed for indoor and outdoor use can all be features that will help you feel comfortable using a rollator walker. 

A rollator walker can be a great solution

If you need some help maintaining your freedom and mobility a rollator walker can be the perfect solution for you. However, you’ll need to ensure that your take steps to properly fit the walker to your body in order to prevent other issues from occurring. Walking upright within your walker is the best way to prevent issues with your back as well as other physical concerns. Choosing a rollator with many features can help ensure that you’ll feel comfortable using it in a variety or situations.

10 Huge Benefits of a Wheeled Rollator Walker vs Regular Walker

Rollator walk on rugged terrain the beach

When someone reaches the point where walking unassisted becomes difficult or even impossible to do, it can be overwhelming to try to find the right solution for them. With so many walker choices available to them it is hard to know exactly which one to choose. Rollator walkers are an option that come with the most customizable options and will suit the largest variety of needs.

Benefits of a Rollator Walker

There are many benefits of a rollator walker that make it the option that fills the largest variety of needs. Thanks to many unique features, rollator walkers are a great solution for many people looking for support while walking. Rollator users enjoy these 10 beneifts:

Did you know? Rollators by Volaris are designed to help seniors move more freely and safely. Our customers love sharing first-hand accounts of life-changing benefits. See their testimonials!

1. You can go further

Because a rollator walker comes with a built-in seat, you can go further when you use it. Being able to sit down and rest any time you need to allows you to pause and catch your breath as often as you like.

2. They are easier to use

With 4 wheels on a rollator walker, the unit is easy to use and maneuver so that even a weaker rollator user can use it effectively.

3. A rollator is easy to turn

The 4 wheels on a rollator walker make it very easy to turn and maneuver, especially in narrow areas. The built-in hand brakes are an important safety feature on the rollator walker, so there are no worries about the walker rolling away from the user.

4. It doesn’t require lifting

Because the rollator walker has wheels on the legs rather than just straight ends, it doesn’t need to be lifted in order to take a step forward. Weaker users will have an easier time moving forward because they can just push it forward rather that having to lift it with each step. This is also more ideal for those who struggle with balance issues, since they won’t have to maintain balance each time they lift the walker.

5. You won’t get as tired

With a built-in seat, height adjustable handlebars and wheels that don’t require the walker to be lifted to take a step, the rollator user won’t get as tired as they may have with a standard walker. A rollator walker is often lighter than a standard walker as well.

6. There are compact options

While standard walker sizes don’t vary too much, there are multiple sizes of rollator walkers. You can choose a compact model if you need to use your walker in tight areas or to go around corners often. This allows the walker to be more versatile for your needs. It is also possible to go for a more lightweight model, especially if you will be moving your walker in and out of your vehicle or up and down stairs often.

7. A rollator walker can fold up for transportation

While a standard walker can often also fold up, the rollator walker usually offers a smaller and more compact folded version.

8. You can get both indoor and outdoor models

The wheels on a rollator walker can be customized based on the intended use. If the user will spend more time outside in grass, sand or other harder to navigate terrain, larger wheels make this easier to do. On the other hand, if the walker will only be used inside the user can choose wheels that will offer a more compact profile that won’t scuff up floors.

9. Rollator Walkers Have More Features

A wheeled rollator walker comes with many features that a regular walker doesn’t have. The features on a rollator walker make it much easier and more versatile to use, making it a great option for many users.

Wheeled Walker

  • Built-in seat
  • Wheels on the legs
  • Easy to use handle brakes
  • Adjustable height so the user can remain upright rather than hunched over
  • Large wheels for outdoor use
  • Handles sit below the user rather than in front of them, offering better support

Regular Walker

  • No seat
  • No wheels, just straight legs
  • No brakes needed
  • Adjustable height
  • Wider frame, making it harder to hold on to 

10. Rollators Encourage Activity for Better Health

For all of the reasons above, having a high quality rollator that is easy to use and that allows greater mobility encourages users to get more active. Greater activity – for seniors or at any age – promotes better fitness and health. This also improves users’ mindset – with an attitude that they CAN do more, see more, and live better!

Rollator Walkers are a Great Choice

For many walker users, a rollator walker is the best choice they can make. The many features combined with the easy to use frame make it an obviously great option. With the needs of users varying quite a bit and changing over time, a rollator walker can grow and change with the user making it a more dynamic and adjustable walker. The portability and maneuverability of a rollator walker just can’t be beat!

How a Daily Walk Can Help Seniors Thrive (Even for Those with Difficulty Walking)

Walking is a kind of exercise that just about anyone can do. If you can get up and go for a walk- even a short one- regularly throughout the week, you will do amazing things for both your mental and physical health.

Even those that struggle to walk fast and far will benefit from getting out there as often as they can. If you are struggling to go for a walk each week, there are a few tools available to you that might make the task easier to manage. Whether you can get by with the help of a cane or would rather use something like a rollator walker, your health will thank you for every walk to manage to take. 

Benefits of Walking for Seniors

Weight Loss or maintenance: Daily walks are a great way to help a weight loss or weight maintenance plan. Making a point to get up and moving each day is the ideal way to get your heart pumping and to burn those calories while still being gentle on your joints.  

Can improve quality of sleep: Getting fresh air each day during a walk can help to tire out your body and clear your mind, preparing it for a better night’s sleep. 

Improves heart health: As the risks of heart related issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease increase with age, the need to take care of your heart health also increases. Going for regular walks helps to preserve and improve overall heart health by improving circulation and lowering blood sugar levels.   

Improves muscle strength, bone health and reduces pain: Walking for just 30 minutes a day, even at a slow pace or broken up into multiple sessions, can help reduce the risk of hip fractures in seniors. Regular walking can help prevent the loss of bone density and reduce the pain associated with arthritis and osteoporosis. 

Can improve mental health: Regular walks can work wonders on mental wellbeing. Walks have been shown to stimulate the release of endorphins which can reduce stress, anxiety and depression and improve your overall mood. Getting active can also help improve your attention span, memory and brain function, which can even reduce the risks of dementia and other cognitive issues.

The Volaris Rollator line is not about walking, it’s about gaining FREEDOM beyond that which our users would have expected. The highest quality, fully assembled and travel-ready rollators are the best available. 

Tips for creating a walking routine for seniors

For many people starting a walking routine, just lacing up their shoes and hitting the pavement isn’t necessarily the best way to get started. There are a few factors to consider when creating your walking routine.

Start slow 

While walking is fairly low impact exercise it’s likely not something you can dive into headfirst. If you haven’t walked in awhile, you’ll want to start off with a shorter, slower walk. As you improve your fitness level and ability you can start adding time and speed to your route. Stretching is also an important part of a walking routine.

Bring your friends

One of the easiest ways to get motivated to go for a regular walk is to go with company. Whether you have a couple friends that also want to create a walking routine or you can join a local walking group, having someone to join in on your walks is a great idea.

Consider your route

Plan a route that will offer the most benefit to your body. If you have bad knees or joints, walking on harder surfaces might aggravate them while softer surfaces like dirt paths, sand or grass might present difficulties with balance and stability.

Listen to your body

Regardless of what kind of shape you are in, there are likely still going to be days that you are sore or feeling off. It is important to listen to your body on these days, and take rest days as you need them.

Utilize a Rollator Walker (Walker with Wheels)

If getting out for a regular walk is difficult or intimidating, accepting support can be the answer you’re looking for. A rollator walker is often the key to maintaining mobility and independence, and can make all the difference! 

Benefits of using a rollator walker while walking

Using a rollator while walking can greatly improve your mobility and ability to walk longer distances. With the opportunity to take regular breaks and receive support as you go, you’ll be much more likely to keep up with a walking routine. Rollators have many benefits including: 

  • Support to help you stay upright and keep your balance
  • A built-in seat to offer a rest anytime you need it
  • Adjustable height so your rollator walker can grow and adjust along with your needs
  • Makes getting outside for a walk easier 

Get Moving for Your Health!

When it comes down to it, getting out for a walk however you are able to can be the key to maintaining your overall health. Often those that thought they weren’t able to get around that easily will find that a rollator walker is actually what they’ve been missing. Using a rollator walker can help be that final push to get out of the house and get moving.

How Can Seniors Be Motivated to Spend More Time Outside

As people age it often gets harder to move around with freedom and ease. Limited mobility can quickly hold seniors back from getting outside and experiencing the benefits that fresh air, sunlight and even minor exercise can give.

There are many ways to motivate seniors and those with limited mobility to spend more time outside. Though there are a number of things to do that don’t require a large amount of independent movement, introducing the use of a rollator walker can help seniors to maintain their health, independence and mobility.

At Xlent Care Products our entire mission is to help those with mobility challenges – whether seniors or those dealing with or recovering from physical injury – live t their best lives. From all-terrain rollators to exercise equipment to pain relief products, we offer the very best.

Benefits of getting outside

Spending time outdoors has benefits for people of all ages and abilities. Some of the top reasons to encourage seniors to get outdoors more include:

  • Increases physical activity and engagement
  • Increases energy
  • Fights depression
  • Boosts memory
  • Improves physical health
  • Lengthens life 

Ways to Improve Motivation to Get Outside

Though there are many ways that seniors can enjoy the outdoors, having a purpose for getting on their shoes and making their way outside for an hour or 2 can help increase the motivation to get out there.

Take up gardening
Though this activity doesn’t do much for motivation during the colder winter months, now that the weather is warm it’s the perfect time to garden! Whether the goal is to grow vegetables for some fresh dinner accompaniments, to plant some pretty flowers or to tend to aromatic herbs, gardening is a great reason to spend some time outdoors. Gardening also offers an opportunity to maintain some strength and flexibility, as the gardener will often have to bend, reach and lift as they tend to the plants.
Go bird watching
Though some may see bird watching as somewhat of a boring hobby, it’s actually a very relaxing and soothing outdoor activity that is great for mental health. Especially if mobility is low, bird watching offers a great reason to get outside for an afternoon. Those who can move around, whether with or without the help of a rollator walker, can head out on some local trails or to a park, while those who aren’t able to move around too well can find a comfortable chair in their backyard or an easy to access natural area to bird watch sitting down.
Take the dog for a walk
Taking a dog for a walk is the perfect motivation to get outside for some light exercise. Walking is a great way to improve cardio, maintain strength and mobility, and keep those joints moving. Even on those days where you just don’t feel like going for a walk having a dog that needs a bit of exercise is the best motivator there is!
Fruit picking
Heading to a local orchard or berry farm to pick some fruit for an afternoon is a great way to get some exercise and fresh air! Most orchards and farms are situated on fairly flat land with wide walkways between rows, so rollator walker users can also easily take part.
Get creative!
Whether you want to pull out those paints, pick up a marker or pencil or grab your camera, there are many ways that nature can help you get those creative juices flowing. Spending some time outside in your backyard, at a local park or sitting by a nearby river with your artistic medium of choice is a beautiful and satisfying way to get some fresh air. If you aren’t feeling too artistic yourself, you can look around for a local art or farmer’s market to appreciate some of the things that others create. Walking around an outdoor market- with or without the help of a rollator walker– offers a great way to enjoy the outdoors. 

A rollator walker can help

If getting around without assistance is starting to get difficult, introducing a rollator walker to the routine can be a great idea. Rollator walkers are easy to use and allow the user to maintain their independence and freedom for much longer than if they choose to avoid using a walker. A rollator walker comes fitted with large wheels on all 4 legs, hand brakes, a built-in seat and adjustable height, making it a much more customizable choice than a standard walker. Rollator walkers typically allow the user to move around in tight spaces and on rougher terrain, meaning that the user will be able to get around in a variety of situations that they may have otherwise avoided.

Benefits of a rollator walker:

  • Go longer distances without tiring as quickly
  • They offer more support
  • Rollators are easy to use and get accustomed to
  • They can navigate most kinds of terrain
  • There is a built-in seat for resting as needed
  • You’ll be able to go many places you couldn’t before
  • Getting regular activity with the help of a rollator improves fitness levels 

Getting outside is good for health

Whether walking independently or using a rollator walker to get around, taking time each day to get outside is good for everyone’s health.

How Can a Rollator Walker Improve My Health?

As your overall ability to move around freely and easily decreases over time, it’s only natural that your physical health might feel the effects. Movement is such a big part of maintaining overall health, so it’s something you want to take steps to maintain for as long as possible.

Using a rollator walker can help keep you moving by giving you the tool you need to help keep your balance with somewhere to rest when you need it and a solid frame to help keep you upright.

While using a rollator walker can feel intimidating and unnecessary, once you’ve included it in your daily life, you’ll likely be surprised at how great of a support tool it actually is!

Ways a Rollator Walker can Improve Health

The benefits of using a rollator walker are far reaching and will affect many parts of your life. Often your overall health will be improved just by using a rollator walker! There are a few main ways that a rollator walker can help improve your health.

Did you know? At Xlent Care, our rollators not only help you move around, you can go further – upright – across all terrains!

It’s easier to move around

When you are struggling to move around in your day to day life, whether due to an injury, balance issue or something else, it can feel easier to just restrict your activity level as a whole. However, when you are less active each day your overall health can take a hit as well. Regular movement and exercise can help you maintain heart health, muscle health and manage your weight, so it’s important to maintain even light activity levels throughout each day. Adding a rollator walker to your daily routine will help you stay committed to moving regularly. 

You can move on a variety of terrain

Though a standard walker may feel like the natural choice when entering the world of walkers, it can still lead to a fair amount of restriction. Walkers without wheels require a fair amount of upper body strength to use, especially when not on smooth terrain. A rollator walker can help you to take on many different kinds of terrain like grassy fields, rocky paths and even sand. There some models of rollator walkers that are specifically designed to work best with on a variety of different terrains so if you think you might benefit from the ability to move around in several different situations, look for a rollator that offers this

Mobility increases your ability to exercise

When it is easier to move around thanks to your rollator walker you will naturally maintain a higher level of activity each day. Regardless of what kind of physical activity you are doing, daily movement is an important part of staying healthy. Exercise, whether it’s going for a walk outside, heading to the gym or even just walking around your house a few times a day, has a positive effect on many aspects of your life.  Freedom of mobility is good for your mental health Maintaining your independence and freedom to move around throughout the day plays a significant role in mental health. When you are unable to freely get around whenever you want your mental health might take a hit. It’s easy to get in your head and feel held back when your freedom decreases, so the rollator walker is a great way to squash those concerns and continue living an active lifestyle.

Movement improves heart health

When you move around every day, whether just around your house or by getting outside and going places, your heart is forced to work a bit harder than if you are just sitting down. Heart health is an important thing to work on maintaining and the best way to do that is by keeping moving. When getting around becomes difficult using a rollator walker can help you stay active throughout the day. Since rollators often have a built-in seat and solid handlebars you are still able to rest as needed, giving your heart and lungs and chance to take a break while still getting some light exercise.

Rollator walkers help you thrive in good health

Regardless of why you are finding yourself needing to use a walker, a rollator walker can help to improve many aspects of your overall health. Being independent and getting out of the house without the assistance of someone else is a freeing experience and one that can help improve your mental health. Feeling stuck at home and struggling to move about freely can be frustrating for anyone to experience.

Ultimately, using a rollator walker will improve many aspects of daily life and lead to overall greater health and happiness.