What are Premium Rollator Features that are Worth the Money?

rollator accessories

When buying a rollator walker there are often so many features and accessories that it can be hard to figure out exactly which ones will be helpful, and which will be over the top. However, there are a few features that all users should look for when shopping for a new rollator. These features will help ensure that an investment in a mobility aid will offer the biggest return, and that it will remain useful and strong for as long as it is needed.

Volaris Rollators are exclusively sold in North America by Xlent Care Products as they set industry standards for quality, looks and for outstanding accessories that have them often voted best-in-class!

Premium rollator features

Deciding which rollator walker features are worth paying more for can be a confusing process. There are a number of different things to look for when shopping for a new rollator walker, but there are a few features in particular to keep a look out for.

Quality of construction

The construction quality of the rollator you choose will have the biggest impact on the longevity of your investment. A sturdy, well-built walker will last forever, even as you use it more and more.

Lightweight frame

A lightweight frame is important for those who need their rollator walker to be portable and easily transported. A heavy rollator is difficult on the body, especially if it needs to be lifted at any point. The ability to lift a rollator walker up a set of stairs or into a vehicle is often a must for many rollator users so a lightweight frame will be worth the cost.

All terrain capability

Reduced mobility doesn’t have to mean that you’re confined to stable terrains! A rollator walker that has built-in shocks and a flexible frame can make navigating rough terrain like sand, rocks and hills doable, even if you need support along the way.

Compact folding frame

Whether you live in a small space, have lots of stairs, or want the ability to easily move your walker into a vehicle, a folding frame is a nice feature to have.


Accessorizing your rollator isn’t about aesthetics, functional accessories for your rollator allow you to go further, become more mobile and live in greater comfort. They’re invariably worth the investment. Here are some top picks!

Slowdown brakes – Brakes are an essential piece of using a rollator walker. While all rollator walkers have hand brakes, adding slow down brakes to the rear wheels can be an extra safety measure, especially for those who walk up and down ramps or hills often.

Oxygen tank holder – Using an oxygen tank is an important part of life for many rollator walker users. A rollator with an attached oxygen tank holder can make carrying an oxygen tank much easier for users.

Built-in seat – Taking a rest while walking can help those with reduced stability and strength to live a mobile and healthy life. The built-in seat that comes with many rollators will allow users to sit down a take a break any time they need, without having to search for a place to sit. If the seat is too hard, users can also buy a seat pad to help soften it.

A storage basket – One of the most difficult aspects of using a rollator walker is losing the ability to carry things as you move around. A storage basket or travel bag can help a rollator walker feel more convenient and easier to use.

Water bottle holderDrinking water while engaging in physical activity can help to extend how far you can walk, and a water bottle holder will keep it close at hand. In the same way that a storage basket or bag adds convenience, so does a water bottle holder that attaches to a leg of the rollator.

Backrest – For users that struggle with maintaining their balance and will use their rollator for sitting down, a backrest can be a great add on accessory.

Added features are worth the investment

Although the increased cost of a rollator with many features isn’t always a wanted expense, the trade off is usually worth it. When you can increase your mobility and your ability to get out into the world on your own, you are likely to experience many benefits. Improved mobility often leads to better health, increased mental well being and an overall improved aging experience.

What’s the Key to Healthy Aging? Mobility.

Active Seniors Mobility for Health Aging

While everyone will experience aging to some extent in their lives, there comes a point for many people when the process becomes more of a struggle. Taking steps to create a healthy life can help make this process go more smoothly in most situations. One of the top factors in experiencing healthy aging is their ability to maintain mobility.

Top ways to maintain healthy aging

There are a number of things that people can do to help maintain their health for as long as possible. While it’s natural to experience a decline in some areas as we age, making the effort to stay healthy for as long as possible can help people to hold onto their independence and movement for longer than they would otherwise.

Maintain physical activity

Regular physical activity is one of the best ways to help ensure a healthy and comfortable aging process. Whether you’re able to go for a walk or jog each day, or are restricted to activities you can do in your living room, making the effort to move daily is an essential part of aging well. As aging adults experience a reduction in their ability to perform daily activities, they will benefit from incorporating any level of movement that they can into their days. Maintaining muscle strength through movement and exercise is the best way to prevent against pain, lack of independence and disability.

active seniors using rollator walkers
Active Seniors Utilizing Volaris All-Terrain Rollator Walkers for Greater Mobility

Accept support

Using mobility aids like a cane or rollator walker can help you maintain mobility, while also protecting joints and supporting balance issues. When getting active becomes difficult it can be hard to maintain mobility, however doing so is an important part of healthy aging. Painful joints, poor balance, reduced energy, and a need to rest regularly can all be aided by the use of rollator walker or cane.

Eat a healthy diet

Making smart choices when it comes to the foods we eat can help prevent and treat some health problems that can become a barrier over time. Eating well isn’t just about weight, however, the foods we eat help to nourish the body and allow it to perform its best each day. Consuming a diet that is full of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and healthy fats is a great way to maintain health.

Sleep well

It’s easy to discount the positive effects of a good sleep, however it is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, especially as we age. Most adults don’t get enough sleep each day, especially if they are sick, in pain, or on certain medications. Getting enough sleep each night can help maintain moods, memory and physical movement day to day.

Quit smoking

It’s no secret that smoking is bad for your health, and this is especially true when it comes to ageing. Even someone who has been smoking for decades will experience many positive effects to their health including lower risk of cancer, heart attack and stroke, improved circulation, improved sense of taste and smell, and increased ability to maintain mobility.

Visit the doctor regularly

Taking the time to visit your doctor for regular health screenings can help you stay ahead of any issues that may get in the way of healthy aging. Issues like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and chronic diseases can create quite a barrier when it comes to staying healthy.

Get social

Seniors who have an active social life are more likely to maintain mobility and experience a healthier aging process. Being social helps people combat loneliness and depression, and can help encourage them to incorporate more physical activity into their lives.

Mobility is key to healthy aging

Maintaining a routine that includes physical activity and exercise is one of the best ways to encourage healthy aging. Although the level of physical activity that can be achieved will vary from one person to the next, maintaining mobility is the best way to prevent the occurrence of pain and disability during aging.

Can I Walk Trails with a Rollator Walker?

Active Seniors Walking Trails Rollator All Terrain

As one’s mobility begins to decline and they start using a mobility aid like a rollator walker or cane, it’s easy to think that their world may become somewhat more restricted. However, with the right supports even those with mobility issues can still enjoy their favourite activities! Walking trails might seem too difficult to do when you have to think about toting a walker around with you, however there are models designed for exactly this purpose. Taking time to enjoy nature and go for a walk is a great way to encourage mobility, experience health benefits and maintain social activities, even as physical limitations change.

What is an all-terrain walker?

Did you know? The Volaris Patrol All-Terrain walker is recognized globally as a top all-terrain walker. It improves users’ ability to go further with stability and comfort in places where other rollators simple can’t go. See it’s all-terrain specifications and features now!

All Terrain Rollator Walker
Swedish designed, globally recognized Patrol All-Terrain Rollator Walker

Designed to traverse a variety of rough terrains, an all-terrain rollator walker is a great option for people looking to maintain a level of activity that may be otherwise be difficult for them. Equipped with several features that are specifically geared for use on uneven, rocky and sandy grounds, an all-terrain rollator is the perfect mobility tool for walking trails. Large rubber wheels, responsive handbrakes and a shock absorbing frame help users enjoy their time on the trails.

Benefits of an all-terrain walker

Incorporating an all-terrain walker is the best way to ensure that you’ll be able to live an active and engaged lifestyle, without having to compromise your hobbies. Some of the top advantages to choosing an all-terrain rollator walker include:

Works well on uneven terrain

One of the hallmarks of an all-terrain rollator is its large rubber tires. These oversized wheels help absorb the shocks that come from using it on uneven and rocky ground, making it more comfortable and easier to use. Walking along a rocky or hilly trail is easier with the use of an all-terrain rollator.

Ideal for outdoor use

All-terrain rollator walkers are ideal for use outdoors thanks to their large wheels, the absorbing X-frame and built-in hand brakes. The sturdy frame will stand up to the rougher usage, making it ideal for the outdoors.

Has convenient storage space

There are many accessories designed for use with a rollator walker that can make trail walking more enjoyable and convenient. Handlebar baskets, under seat carriers, cupholders and oxygen tank holders can all improve a user’s experience, especially when walking trails.

Encourages an active lifestyle

When movement becomes a challenge, it can be easy to reduce regular activity and hang out close to home. An all-terrain rollator walker that is able to traverse any kind of terrain can help encourage people to get active and experience activities like trail walking. An active lifestyle has many health benefits, so it’s worth encouraging.

Very safe

Equipped with a strong, supportive frame and easy to use handbrakes, an all-terrain rollator walker is the best choice for someone that encounters a variety of different surfaces in their life. While a standard rollator walker is a great option for most users, an all-terrain rollator is safer for some. Since it can better handle rough or uneven ground, an all-terrain rollator can help keep users more stable in their day-to-day experiences, helping them to avoid the possibility of a fall.

Choosing the right rollator walker

When shopping for a rollator walker there are many options available to choose from. The first step is to consider what kind of lifestyle the user lives, and what their needs may be. For someone that sticks pretty close to home, a standard rollator walker might be sufficient. However, if they plan to spend any time walking trails or exploring the outdoors, an all-terrain rollator walker is probably the better choice.

Get walking the trails with a rollator walker

For someone that loves to get outdoors and spend time in nature, walking trails is a fun activity. However, as mobility needs change this hobby can become difficult and unsafe. Using an all-terrain rollator walker is the perfect solution! Its strong, steady frame and built-in safety features allow the user to feel steady, even when walking along uneven or hilly terrain.

Increased Mobility can Help Relieve Anxiety & Depression in Seniors 

seniors depression and anxiety

As people enter their senior years it is not uncommon for their mental health to make a shift. This is often a period filled with significant changes and transitions, which can all play a role in the presence of anxiety and depression. One of the top ways to help relieve some of the effects of these mental health concerns is to increase mobility. Making an effort to get moving each day can help seniors to maintain their mental health and combat some of the negative effects that they may be experiencing.

Causes of depression and anxiety in older adults

There are a number of different factors that can lead to depression and anxiety in seniors. With so many changes occurring during this period of life, being aware of some of these initial triggers can help them to stay ahead of the game and recognize some warning signs.

  • Health problems such as illness, disability, pain, surgery and cognitive decline
  • Medical conditions like stroke, cancer, diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease or dementia
  • Recent deaths of friends, family members, a spouse or pets
  • Reduced sense of purpose, for example when they retire or if health issues create physical limitations on activities they previously enjoyed
  • Isolation and loneliness due to a reduced ability to take themselves out of the house
  • Side effects of medication

Positive effects of improved mobility

Seniors Mobility with Rollator Walker
With greater mobility comes greater health and mental wellness

There are many positive effects to improving mobility, and many will play a role in reducing the effects of anxiety and depression. Some of the top benefits include:

  • Reduced loneliness and increased socialization
  • Increased confidence
  • Endorphins that come from exercise are natural mood boosters to help combat depression
  • Helps them sleep better
  • Reduces stress and anxiety
  • Increased ability to age in place

Top ways to improve mobility

There are a number of activities that can help seniors get moving each day. While some seniors may struggle with a significant level of activity, the positive effects can often be experienced with just a few minutes of increased activity each day. Even seniors who aren’t able to stand or walk unassisted can benefit from a variety of seated exercises.

Some top ways that seniors can incorporate movement into each day include:

  • Park a bit further from the store in order to have a longer walk to the door. Parking next to the cart return allows them to take a cart right away if they need a bit of support while walking into and around the store.
  • Go for a walk around the block. Bringing a rollator walker or cane will help ensure that they can stop and rest as needed, and have the support they need to walk safely.
  • Do chair workouts. Activities like yoga, weightlifting and light cardio can be done from a chair, which will benefit those who aren’t able to stand or walk for lengths of time.
  • Dance. Whether it’s to music in the kitchen or in an organized dance class, dancing can help motivate seniors to have fun while they increase their mobility.
  • Take the stairs. When faced with the option, take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator if it’s an activity that can be undertaken safely.
  • Go swimming. Doing water aerobics or going for a leisurely swim is a great low impact workout, especially for those who may struggle to perform similar exercises outside of water.

Increase mobility with the help of a rollator walker

Many seniors need physical support in order to improve their mobility, and a rollator walker is the perfect solution. The support that a rollator walker offers to a user will allow them to improve their mobility in a safe and supported way. Incorporating physical activity into a daily routine can be as simple as going for a walk with a friend or doing some housework or gardening. The benefits that come with increased mobility will have a positive effect on anyone struggling with mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

Benefits of a Rollator Walker, even if You Think You Only Need a Cane

Woman with Cane versus Rollator Walker

When it comes time to incorporate a mobility aid into day-to-day life, it can be a difficult transition. Adopting a mobility aid like a cane or a rollator walker can cause some people to feel like they’re giving in to weakness, however there are many benefits to making the move. It can be tempting to forgo a walker and just use a cane, however for many people a cane just doesn’t offer enough support. It is important to choose the right kind of mobility aid for your needs as the wrong choice can actually be a detriment to mobility.

When is a cane not enough of a mobility aid?

A cane is only able to provide a minimum amount of support. If you only need help maintaining your balance, a cane might be the right solution. However, if you are unsteady on your feet, need to rest often or need more stability to move around, a rollator walker is likely a better solution.

Top reasons someone might need a walker

There are many reasons that someone might need to upgrade from using a cane to using a walker, including:

  • Balance issues that require more support than a cane can offer
  • A fear of falling
  • Overall physical weakness
  • A need to sit down and rest while walking, especially if the need hits suddenly or often
  • Recovering from an injury or surgery
  • Issues with heart health or breathing
  • Arthritis, weakness or pain in lower bones or joints
  • Get tired easily

Many benefits to using a rollator walker

Although it might take some getting used to, making the switch sooner rather than later can have a number of positive affects on a person and their mobility and overall health.

Improved safety – Whether you’re walking around your home, around the neighbourhood, along a path with a friend or through a grocery store, a rollator walker is going make the journey safer. The increased stability that a walker offers can allow for a safer walk regardless of the setting.

Easier to use than a cane – A cane needs to be continuously held or leaned against something when not in use and can be cumbersome to store when out of the house. A rollator walker will stand on its own making it easier to incorporate into daily activities. The foldable frame also makes it easy to transport and store throughout the day.

Many built-in features – A rollator walker comes equipped with hand brakes allowing the user to stop safely anytime they need to. The large wheels make it easy to traverse rough terrain, a built-in seat allows for breaks as needed and various add-on accessories can offer quite a bit of customizability. You can even add a backrest to premium rollators!

Increased ability to walk distances – One of the biggest barriers to walking longer distances is how quickly you get tired. However, using a rollator walker can help provide support and take some of the pressure off your body, allowing you to walk further.

The ability to rest – The built-in seat that comes with a rollator walker allows users to pause and take a break any time they need to.

Increases confidence – Using a rollator walker can help improve the confidence of the person using it. When they have a tool that will improve mobility while being safe and comfortable, it’s easier to want to stay active.

Maintaining mobility is essential to greater health

Using a rollator walker or a cane can help you maintain mobility, which will lead to a number of health benefits. Engaging in some level of physical activity each day can help maintain or improve heart health, respiratory function and overall mobility as you recover or age. Aging in place is something that many adults hope to do, and regular physical activity can help make this a more likely possibility. Using a rollator walker instead of a cane can help users ensure that they are properly supported in their day-to-day movements, and create a safer scenario for themselves.