What are Premium Rollator Features that are Worth the Money?

rollator accessories

When buying a rollator walker there are often so many features and accessories that it can be hard to figure out exactly which ones will be helpful, and which will be over the top. However, there are a few features that all users should look for when shopping for a new rollator. These features will help ensure that an investment in a mobility aid will offer the biggest return, and that it will remain useful and strong for as long as it is needed.

Volaris Rollators are exclusively sold in North America by Xlent Care Products as they set industry standards for quality, looks and for outstanding accessories that have them often voted best-in-class!

Premium rollator features

Deciding which rollator walker features are worth paying more for can be a confusing process. There are a number of different things to look for when shopping for a new rollator walker, but there are a few features in particular to keep a look out for.

Quality of construction

The construction quality of the rollator you choose will have the biggest impact on the longevity of your investment. A sturdy, well-built walker will last forever, even as you use it more and more.

Lightweight frame

A lightweight frame is important for those who need their rollator walker to be portable and easily transported. A heavy rollator is difficult on the body, especially if it needs to be lifted at any point. The ability to lift a rollator walker up a set of stairs or into a vehicle is often a must for many rollator users so a lightweight frame will be worth the cost.

All terrain capability

Reduced mobility doesn’t have to mean that you’re confined to stable terrains! A rollator walker that has built-in shocks and a flexible frame can make navigating rough terrain like sand, rocks and hills doable, even if you need support along the way.

Compact folding frame

Whether you live in a small space, have lots of stairs, or want the ability to easily move your walker into a vehicle, a folding frame is a nice feature to have.


Accessorizing your rollator isn’t about aesthetics, functional accessories for your rollator allow you to go further, become more mobile and live in greater comfort. They’re invariably worth the investment. Here are some top picks!

Slowdown brakes – Brakes are an essential piece of using a rollator walker. While all rollator walkers have hand brakes, adding slow down brakes to the rear wheels can be an extra safety measure, especially for those who walk up and down ramps or hills often.

Oxygen tank holder – Using an oxygen tank is an important part of life for many rollator walker users. A rollator with an attached oxygen tank holder can make carrying an oxygen tank much easier for users.

Built-in seat – Taking a rest while walking can help those with reduced stability and strength to live a mobile and healthy life. The built-in seat that comes with many rollators will allow users to sit down a take a break any time they need, without having to search for a place to sit. If the seat is too hard, users can also buy a seat pad to help soften it.

A storage basket – One of the most difficult aspects of using a rollator walker is losing the ability to carry things as you move around. A storage basket or travel bag can help a rollator walker feel more convenient and easier to use.

Water bottle holderDrinking water while engaging in physical activity can help to extend how far you can walk, and a water bottle holder will keep it close at hand. In the same way that a storage basket or bag adds convenience, so does a water bottle holder that attaches to a leg of the rollator.

Backrest – For users that struggle with maintaining their balance and will use their rollator for sitting down, a backrest can be a great add on accessory.

Added features are worth the investment

Although the increased cost of a rollator with many features isn’t always a wanted expense, the trade off is usually worth it. When you can increase your mobility and your ability to get out into the world on your own, you are likely to experience many benefits. Improved mobility often leads to better health, increased mental well being and an overall improved aging experience.

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