Investing in an All Terrain Rollator Walker

All Terrain Rollator Walker for Mobility

The decision to invest in an all terrain rollator walker depends on individual needs and circumstances. All terrain rollator walkers are designed to provide stability and support on rough, uneven terrain such as grass, gravel, or sand. They are also typically equipped with larger, more rugged wheels that can handle outdoor terrain better than traditional rollators.

If you are someone who enjoys spending time outdoors or has difficulty navigating uneven surfaces, an all terrain rollator walker may be a good investment for you. However, if you primarily use your walker indoors or on smooth surfaces, a traditional rollator may be sufficient.

It’s important to consider the cost of the all terrain rollator walker as well. They are often more expensive than traditional rollators due to their specialized design and features. The benefits nearly always outweigh the cost and all terrain rollators that encourage more frequent and longer duration movement prove invaluable.

Reasons to invest in an all terrain rollator

  1. Increased mobility: All terrain rollators are designed to provide stability and support on uneven and rough surfaces, which allows users to enjoy outdoor activities like hiking or walking on unpaved trails. They can also make it easier to navigate through grassy areas or over curbs.
  2. Safety: All terrain rollators have larger, sturdier wheels that can handle outdoor terrain better than traditional rollators. This reduces the risk of tipping over and provides greater stability for the user.
  3. Comfort: All terrain rollators are typically designed with more comfortable seats and backrests, which can be particularly helpful for users who need to take frequent breaks during outdoor activities.
  4. Independence: With an all terrain rollator, users can maintain their independence and continue to participate in outdoor activities they enjoy. This can be particularly important for older adults who may feel limited by mobility issues.
  5. Versatility: All terrain rollators can be used both indoors and outdoors, making them a versatile mobility aid. This means that users don’t have to switch between different types of walkers depending on where they are going.

Investing in an all terrain rollator can provide numerous benefits for users who enjoy spending time outdoors or who need extra support and stability on uneven surfaces.

Volaris Rollators – Industry Leading All Terrain Rollators

Volaris rollators are a popular choice for all terrain use for several reasons:

  1. Design: Volaris rollators are designed specifically for outdoor use, with larger and more durable wheels that can handle rough terrain with ease. They also feature a sturdy frame and a comfortable seat and backrest for extended use.
  2. Customization: Volaris rollators come with a variety of customizable options, allowing users to tailor their rollator to their specific needs. This includes options like adjustable handle height, various seating and backrest options, and a range of accessories to enhance the user’s experience.
  3. Stability: Volaris rollators are designed to provide superior stability on all types of terrain, which can increase user confidence and reduce the risk of falls or injuries.
  4. Ease of use: Volaris rollators are lightweight and easy to maneuver, even on rough terrain. They also feature easy-to-use hand brakes that allow users to stop quickly and easily.
  5. Durability: Volaris rollators are built to last, with high-quality materials and construction that can withstand heavy use and frequent exposure to outdoor elements.

Volaris rollators are an excellent choice for all terrain use due to their rugged design, customization options, stability, ease of use, and durability. They can provide users with increased mobility and independence, allowing them to enjoy outdoor activities with confidence and ease.

An Investment in Improved Health and Longevity

The more movement and mobility, the more we can safeguard against illness of all kinds. Further, improved fitness is not only for those in good physical health. Those with mobility challenges should be even more compelled to undertake regular exercise. Getting outdoors in invaluable for socializing and interacting with nature. The use of an all terrain mobility aid, primarily a rollator walker, helps in recovery, maintenance and overall physical well being. Get out and live well!

How Do I Get 10,000 Steps a Day with Mobility Issues

Senior with Fitness Steps Tracker

Getting 10,000 steps each day is often a benchmark for physical activity, however it can feel almost impossible to reach when you have mobility issues. Thankfully, there are some things that you can do that will help you reach your daily activity goals. Physical activity doesn’t have to mean going for a run, hitting the gym or taking an exercise class! There are many ways to increase your step count, just by making some small changes to your daily routine.

Why do I need to walk 10,000 steps a day?

Walking 10,000 steps a day has been shown to have a number of health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease, cancer and even dementia. Physical activity in general is an important aspect of a healthy lifestyle. We can all agree there’s no magic number, and more may be even better, but 10,000 steps provides a great daily target to realize health benefits.

At Xlent Care Products, we’re the exclusive seller of Volaris all-terrain rollator walkers. The difference? We help those with mobility challenges go further, increase activity and thrive. Go further and meet your mobility goals – and live better in the process!

Tips to get 10,000 steps a day

When you are working on increasing your physical activity by hitting your step count goal each day, there are a number of ways you can help motivate your progress

Take short walks: Rather than trying to get a large number of steps in at once, taking smaller walks throughout the day can still add up quickly. Whether you walk around you home or head outside and walk to the corner or around a park, short walks can help reduce the impact on your body.

Get moving at home: Doing chores, walking around your house, working in the garden and cooking dinner are all great ways to get more steps in your day.

Talk to a physical therapist: If moving regularly is difficult for you, a physical therapist can suggest exercises that can be done with reduced mobility. Chair exercises like arm curls and seated leg lifts can get your heart rate up and improve your health, even if they don’t boost your step count as much as a walk.

Set goals: Taking the time to set goals for yourself can make a big difference in your ability to reach your step count each day.

Join a support group: Support groups for people with similar mobility issues can help encourage you to get moving and increase your steps. Walking groups are also a great source of motivation and comradery.

Challenge yourself: Although walking may be difficult, challenging yourself to go just a bit further than you think you can may help motivate you to push through.

Use a mobility aid: Adding a rollator walker or a cane to your daily life can help improve your ability to move around easily, and get your 10,000 steps a day.

Get a step counter: Fitness trackers can help you set goals and stay on track to meet them. A device that keeps count of your steps makes it easy to know whether you are on the right path with your step goals.

A rollator walker can help

Even if you have mobility issues that prevent you from walking long distances, incorporating a mobility aid into your daily life can help you maintain some physical activity. A rollator walker has many benefits when it comes to helping you get around and reach your step count goals each day.

A rollator walker can help in many ways:

  • It can help facilitate walking
  • Can be used on any kind of terrain
  • You can build up your stamina and ability over time
  • Helps you maintain balance
  • Offers the ability to sit and take a break anytime you need to
  • Very portable for running errands, taking vacations or aiding mobility away from the home
  • Compact for easy storage

Hitting your daily activity targets are within reach – even with mobility challenges

It sounds like a big number, especially if you don’t walk much now. However, getting 10,000 steps in a day is a fairly attainable goal for most people. While you may have some mobility concerns, there are a number of ways to motivate yourself to reach your goal. Using tools like a fitness tracker or rollator walker can help make the process easier, and give you support and motivation along the way.

Things Seniors Enjoy Doing Most – Despite Mobility Challenges!  

seniors mobility reading book in park

As a senior’s mobility becomes reduced due to age, illness or health event, they might find themselves struggling to find some activities to occupy their time. The ones they used to enjoy may be more difficult to do, and coming up with ideas for new ones that can be done even with limited mobility may be intimidating. However, there are so many activities that can be incorporated in a healthy and fulfilling life!

7 great activities for seniors with limited mobility

Reduced mobility shouldn’t be something that gets in the way of seniors doing things they enjoy. Even if getting around involves a rollator walker or cane, there are many great activities that they can take part in!

No matter the activity, most seniors and people with mobility challenges can enjoy more life has to offer with an all-terrain rollator walker. Folding, lightweight and with seat built in plus add-on accessories, there’s only one Volaris for quality and all-terrain capabilities!

1. Pick up a new book

Reading is a great way for seniors to spend their time. Whether they are reading fiction or non-fiction, reading regularly has many positive effects, especially related to brain health. Reading can improve memory function, improve sleep, reduce stress and maintain brain engagement which can help delay cognitive decline. Taking a good book and strolling a park to a favorite bench is next-level relaxing. If getting there walking is a challenge, use an all terrain mobility rollator walker.

Reading alone, listening to audiobooks or taking part in a book club are all great ways to incorporate reading into their daily activities.

2. Take up gardening

For someone that loves being outdoors, gardening is the perfect pastime. Even if physical strength and agility are lacking there are a number of ways that a senior can indulge their love of the outdoors with gardening. From planting flowers in small balcony-sized pots to creating a vegetable garden, there are many opportunities for a senior, even if they require some mobility support. Spending time outside is great for a senior’s health and helps stimulate their senses, not to mention the satisfaction that comes with seeing the fruits of their efforts!

3. Exercise

Even if a senior isn’t very mobile and needs support to get around, there are many ways that exercise can be incorporated in their life. Going for a walk with a friend, doing chair exercises, taking a water aerobics class or learning yoga are all low impact and high reward activities that will get the heart pumping and feel-good endorphins flowing.

4. Spend time in the kitchen

Even if a senior doesn’t have too many kitchen skills, learning how to cook or bake is a fun activity that anyone can enjoy. For those who are new to the kitchen, there are many simple recipes that can be a great place to start. Seniors who are well practiced can set a goal to learn a new recipe, or even create one themselves.

5. Get in touch with their creative side

Painting, drawing, colouring, working with clay, playing with beads or even scrapbooking or making a photo album are fun ways to tap into creativity and encourage mental stimulation. Being creative is a great way to encourage socialization and strengthen bonds with friends and family. It can also help decrease negative emotions, reduce stress and anxiety, and even improve medical outcomes in those dealing with health issues or chronic illness.

6. Play some games

From board games to card games, playing a game with friends is always fun. Putting together a puzzle, doing a crossword puzzle, playing cards or picking out a board game is an excellent way to engage a senior and encourage them to build connections with their friends and family. They can also help to stimulate their minds, improving their memory and overall brain function.

7. Give back to the community

Many community groups are looking for people to help them out in a variety of different ways. Depending on the interest and mobility of the senior, they can volunteer their time at a local charity shop, knit blankets for hospitals, or get involved with a church.

Reduced mobility doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do!

Even with reduced mobility or the addition of a rollator walker or cane in order to get around, seniors can still enjoy a wide variety of activities each day. Taking up a new hobby or diving back into an old favourite can help seniors fight cognitive decline, improve their relationships, fight boredom and even cope with medical issues.

I Thought I Couldn’t Do that (Until I Got my Volaris 4 Wheeled All-Terrain Walker)

Increase Mobility with an All Terrain Rollator Walker with 4 wheels

Incorporating a rollator walker into your life can be an intimidating process, but it can also be a freeing one! The ability to maintain an active and social lifestyle and continue taking part in a variety of day-to-day activities can benefit the health of seniors and those struggling with mobility issues. While a traditional 4 wheeled rollator walker is sufficient for many people, those who want to have the freedom to go anywhere they want to may want a bit more robust model. An all-terrain rollator generally has added features that will allow the user to use it in a wider variety of situations.

What is an all-terrain rollator?

A rollator walker is designed to help the user maintain their mobility and live a more active lifestyle. An all-terrain model usually has large rubber wheels and a flexible frame that helps absorb vibrations from rough and uneven terrain. The Volaris Patrol model is the perfect option for those looking to use their rollator on more adventurous terrain, while still being convenient for day-to-day use.

Top benefits of an all-terrain rollator walker

Using a rollator walker can help improve day-to-day function and mobility. Choosing an all-terrain model is beneficial for those who live a fairly active lifestyle, and aren’t only looking for support in getting around their home. There are many benefits to investing in an all-terrain rollator walker instead of a regular model, including:

Ability to traverse a variety of terrain – The oversized rubber wheels on the Volaris all terrain rollator make it ideal for use on a wide variety of terrain. Rocky ground, sand, rough pathways, tall grass and gravel lots are no match for this model of rollator walker.

Excellent add-on accessories – A water bottle holder, CO2 tank holder, carrying basket and backrest can make life easier for a rollator walker user, especially one who is active and using the Volaris all terrain model. Having the things you need at close reach make a rollator walker a convenient addition to your life.

Adjustable height –Adjustable handlebars allow for the rollator to be changed to fit the user’s height so most users will be able to customize it to their needs.

Built-in seat – Maintaining physical activity is a great goal, but it’s important to recognize that an aging or ailing body may need more regular breaks. A built-in seat helps the user have a rest as needed, which helps them stay motivated to get active.

Easy to fold up for transport – The folding X frame allows the rollator user to easily fold down their walker for transport. Getting out of the house and maintaining regular activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, and can improve quality of life especially for those aging in place.

Lightweight frame – The frame of a Volaris rollator walker is very lightweight, making it easy to move around, lift into vehicles and carry up and down stairs as needed. A heavy rollator can be difficult to use, especially when moving across rough terrain.

Fits into small spaces – The narrow frame and easy folding capabilities make this rollator perfect for the smaller living spaces and narrow hallways that can be found in many homes and apartments.

Can be used both indoors and outdoors – An all-terrain rollator is robust enough to be used outdoors, but compact enough to transition into indoor use as well. Most users won’t want to rotate between two different rollators, so the adaptability is important.

An all-terrain rollator is a great choice

When it comes time to invest in and use a rollator walker it’s important to consider what kind of activities you’ll want to use it for. For those looking to just move around their home, shopping centers and other fairly stable ground, a standard model rollator walker will do the trick. However, users who may want to cross terrain like sand, rocks, gravel and unpaved paths may benefit from choosing an all-terrain model.

Best Places for Seniors to Socialize (And Maintain Mobility)

Ideas for seniors socializing

As seniors reach a point in life when it’s becoming more difficult to move around freely, it’s not uncommon for their social life to take a bit of a downturn as well. However, getting social is one of the easiest and most enjoyable ways to maintain mobility and improve their quality of life. There are many great places for seniors to meet new people, make friends and experience the perks of a social lifestyle.

Benefits of being social

There are many reasons to maintain regular socialization, especially for seniors. Not only are there significant benefits to a person’s physical health, their mental health will experience positives as well.

At Xlent Care Products, we’re about getting seniors and those with mobility challenges out and living their best life. With all-terrain mobility walkers, our customers can simply do more. Doing more means living better. Our range of accessories also allow seniors to go further, in comfort, and thus participate more in social settings!

Incorporating even an hour or two of socializing into each day can help to:

  • Maintain or improve physical health and mobility
  • Reduce stress
  • Relieve anxiety and reduce depression
  • Improve mental health
  • Booth immune system
  • Maintain independence
  • Encourage new experiences
  • Foster new relationships
  • Increase life expectancy

Many options for socialization

There are many settings that offer opportunities for seniors to socialize in their day-to-day life. Whether they are interested in meeting people of similar age and place to life or want to get out and meet people in their community, there are a number of options available.

Community senior centers

Many communities have a community center dedicated to seniors in the area. They often host classes, get togethers, group trips, coffee hours and parties that are the perfect setting for seniors to socialize with each other.

Sign up for senior fitness classes

Local gyms, fitness clubs and swimming pools often offer classes specifically for seniors. Engaging in physical activity can not only help seniors have fun with fellow attendees, but also help improve their mobility and physical health.

Online groups

Socialization doesn’t have to happen exclusively in person! Although technology and social media may be intimidating for many seniors, there are many opportunities for engagement if they are open to learning. Especially for those seniors who struggle with mobility and getting out of their home, the internet can be a great way to connect.

Volunteer in the community

Volunteering is a great way for people of all ages to find connection and socialization. With many different kinds of volunteer groups operating in communities everywhere, there is no shortage of options for seniors. Choosing a volunteer opportunity that is aligned with their interests can help seniors to feel fulfilled each day, and to make connections with fellow volunteers.

Local church groups

Local church groups often do volunteer work in the community, plan social events, go on social outings and participate in group activities. These groups are often perfect settings for seniors to get out of the house and meet new people with similar interests.

Seniors travel groups

Although mobility may be reduced as people age, often their love of travel doesn’t! Joining a local travel group can provide seniors with like-minded friendships, and potential travel partners. Whether the group focuses on local excursions or plans cruises and trips abroad, a senior’s travel group will focus on the unique needs of their demographic.

Special interest clubs or classes

Colleges, libraries and community groups often host a number of special interest clubs and classes for locals. Whether they are interested in photography, gardening, golf, language learning, cooking, ceramics, art or any other number of activities, seniors can join a club or sign up for a class to meet others with similar interests.

Mobility aids can make life easier

For most social opportunities, a level of mobility is needed in order to fully participate in the experience. However, even if moving around is difficult, this is no reason to avoid it! Using a mobility aid like a cane or rollator walker can help get seniors out of their home and into a social environment. Rollator walkers can be a significant support for seniors, especially as they find their balance and stamina declining with age. With a number of additional features that can further simplify life, a rollator walker is the perfect accessory for a social lifestyle.