When it comes time to incorporate a mobility aid into day-to-day life, it can be a difficult transition. Adopting a mobility aid like a cane or a rollator walker can cause some people to feel like they’re giving in to weakness, however there are many benefits to making the move. It can be tempting to forgo a walker and just use a cane, however for many people a cane just doesn’t offer enough support. It is important to choose the right kind of mobility aid for your needs as the wrong choice can actually be a detriment to mobility.
When is a cane not enough of a mobility aid?
A cane is only able to provide a minimum amount of support. If you only need help maintaining your balance, a cane might be the right solution. However, if you are unsteady on your feet, need to rest often or need more stability to move around, a rollator walker is likely a better solution.
Top reasons someone might need a walker
There are many reasons that someone might need to upgrade from using a cane to using a walker, including:
- Balance issues that require more support than a cane can offer
- A fear of falling
- Overall physical weakness
- A need to sit down and rest while walking, especially if the need hits suddenly or often
- Recovering from an injury or surgery
- Issues with heart health or breathing
- Arthritis, weakness or pain in lower bones or joints
- Get tired easily
Many benefits to using a rollator walker
Although it might take some getting used to, making the switch sooner rather than later can have a number of positive affects on a person and their mobility and overall health.
Improved safety – Whether you’re walking around your home, around the neighbourhood, along a path with a friend or through a grocery store, a rollator walker is going make the journey safer. The increased stability that a walker offers can allow for a safer walk regardless of the setting.
Easier to use than a cane – A cane needs to be continuously held or leaned against something when not in use and can be cumbersome to store when out of the house. A rollator walker will stand on its own making it easier to incorporate into daily activities. The foldable frame also makes it easy to transport and store throughout the day.
Many built-in features – A rollator walker comes equipped with hand brakes allowing the user to stop safely anytime they need to. The large wheels make it easy to traverse rough terrain, a built-in seat allows for breaks as needed and various add-on accessories can offer quite a bit of customizability. You can even add a backrest to premium rollators!
Increased ability to walk distances – One of the biggest barriers to walking longer distances is how quickly you get tired. However, using a rollator walker can help provide support and take some of the pressure off your body, allowing you to walk further.
The ability to rest – The built-in seat that comes with a rollator walker allows users to pause and take a break any time they need to.
Increases confidence – Using a rollator walker can help improve the confidence of the person using it. When they have a tool that will improve mobility while being safe and comfortable, it’s easier to want to stay active.
Maintaining mobility is essential to greater health
Using a rollator walker or a cane can help you maintain mobility, which will lead to a number of health benefits. Engaging in some level of physical activity each day can help maintain or improve heart health, respiratory function and overall mobility as you recover or age. Aging in place is something that many adults hope to do, and regular physical activity can help make this a more likely possibility. Using a rollator walker instead of a cane can help users ensure that they are properly supported in their day-to-day movements, and create a safer scenario for themselves.