Volaris RA WALK UPRIGHT Rollator Walker

CAD $994.95

The RA WALK UPRIGHT is specially designed, premium rollator supporting an upright walking posture. Ideal for users needing extra support to walk tall or find using a standard rollator difficult. It provides a new level of freedom for users with limited arm strength as the forearms rest comfortably, higher up on the taller frame.

  • Constructed on the same Comfort Frame™ / “FLEXFRAME™” that is used for all Volaris models.
  • Rolls smoothly over uneven ground and it is tested and approved for use both indoors and outdoors.
  • Soft rubber wheels minimize vibrations in the handle, making it especially suitable for people with pain in their hands or those suffering from rheumatism.
  • Adjustable, built-in seat folds in place when the rollator is folded
  • Equipped with adjustable support for the lower arm, providing stable and safe use with unique options for adjustment in all directions.
  • A cross-folding design means it stands firmly on all four wheels when folded. It is easy to fold down and store in small spaces.
  • Comes fully assembled in brushed silver
  • ISO 11199-3:2005 certified for static stability, braking capabilities, strength, safety, ergonomics and performance.


Weight 26.4 lbs
Weight capacity 276 lbs
Width 25.2″
Length 31.5″
Seat width 18.5″
Height 39.4″ – 49″
Seat height (adjustable range) 18″ – 22.5″
Width folded 11.4″
Wheel size (diameter x width) 8″ x 1.25″